It depends on the follower. If it's some kind of beast then it would be much easier to get their hands on. A familiar, much less so and they'd need a good reason for it. And yes magic has many applications beyond just elemental, but spells such as increasing strength and all that would be more advanced magic. Magic users generally start off with very simple spells. For some examples, the runes they draw would say things like: Throw Fire, Give Element Flame. Simple things. Runes are mixed together to create spells though, and the runes for 'enhance' and 'strength' let's call them, would be more advanced than anything a starter character would know. But yes, sooner or later they could learn to use such spells. Also Pink, I'd just like to point out that nobody is making you play with Sam's character. You don't have to go on quests with them. You can join other groups, form your own groups, or even make your own quests if you would like. I'm sorry to be blunt about this, but as the GM of this RP I'm going to tell you that it's not your place to moderate people's characters. Suggestions or feedback are appreciated I'm sure, but if it's just because you have a 'problem' with a character because you don't like something about them, please keep it to yourself. I don't mean to be a downer to anyone, but I've had a few RPs where the GM was just the initial idea maker and people started getting a little out of hand with their attitudes and the GM was just another face in the crowd. I myself will not put up with that kind of behavior towards other players in the RP, and if I see it I will either warn you, or simply report it directly to the mods. This isn't aimed at you Pink at all. You haven't done anything wrong really or anything I'd get mad about. This is just a warning to everyone since we have a lot of people here and it can be easy to get a little heated with so many. Keep a level head and think about the things you say before you say them. I will be looking at profiles later today and will try to set up a general area with my own character to guide people to where they should aim at for their character's level of power based on the profiles people have up by then. I forgot to mention also in the OC that this is also a world building RP in which everyone may add their own parts to the world. Just keep in mind... [b]Currently the RP takes place ona single continent that is one large landmass. It may have some small islands here and there on the borders, but for the most part it is one solid piece of land.[/b]