Lithium was as beautiful as ever with its inhabitants going about their lives as if nothing evil was on foot. The guards went through their patrol routes upon the walls. Today was good but then they came. Dark clouds began to engulf the blue sky above. Knights, and citizens alike began to look up at the ominous spectacle. At first they did not think of it as anything dangerous and they had every right to. Then lightning stuck out and hit one of the towers causing people to gasp.The lighting was different though. Its color not right. If that was not bad enough cold rain poured down from the clouds as well. This rain was odd too. It began to fatigue the people and knights all the same. A knight up on the eastern walls of the city moved to a fellow brother nodded to him. "Well so much for a beautiful weather huh?" He asked. The other turned to him and answered him. "Yeah,... I don't about you but I have a bad feeling of all this." To which the other knight responded with a look. "What?... It just seems rather eerie and the rain. It's making me feel a little,... different. I mean I have felt cold rain before ,but this is different." He explained causing the other knight to sigh. He then turned around and looked to the tree line. He smirked beneath his helmet and bumped his comrade on the arm causing a CLINK sound. "At least the woods seem a little bit more peaceful...." He stopped himself when he began to see the trees move. Yes there was wind ,but they moved as if manipulated by something on the tree floor. He approached the edge of the walk and tried to see if he could see any closer. He then noticed something huge begin to emerge from the very woods and he looked to his friend. "Hey come take a look at this." The other looked over at him and sighed deciding to play the knights game and look to the spot the man had pointed out. Only it wasn't a game, something huge was certainly there. He did not know what it was to be truthful. He rose up and turned to his fellow knight. "Go get Ishmael,...he may know what this thing is." .......Meanwhile down on the streets of Lithuim. A dark elf or drow was moving down the cobblestone road holding onto a rope. The rope was attached to the neck of a donkey who had on its back many bags, compartments, and other useful tools for a traveler. Anyone could see that there was a bitter hatred between the surface world and the people of the underdark. The locals did not enjoy her presence not one bit as Cassandra the rogue made way for the market sector of the city. Her rapier bouncing of the side of her leather pants as she moved along. The sun was not as enjoyable though, she lived on the surface for several years now and she still had not gotten used to the rays of the sun. She feared that she never would. The moment she entered the market district of Lithium she quickly began to be surrounded. Not by guards, but by buyers. She was known for her ability to get things that others couldn't. Rare trinkets that were priceless or worth a lot more if someone bought it from her and sold it to someone else for a high price. Collectors really pay a lot of coin for such things. She rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Can you people at least wait for me to open up my shop first?" she asked. She finally escaped the crowd and pulled into a ally way which led her eventually to the back of her shop. She pulled from her pocket a key and unlocked the the double doors. As she opened them she noticed the sky had changed and was beginning to be covered by dark ominous clouds. She sighed at the sight of it, "Great, looks like I won't be getting much business today" she said to her self. The donkey moved within the building and into the stable section. She quickly stepped inside as it began to rain. She closed the doors behind her and began to unload the donkey. She took from him the top three sacks in which she drug to the front of the shop. The section the customers see for the most part. From the sacks she began to take out objects placing them upon the shelves. These objects ranged from jewelry to priceless artifacts. When she was done unloading everything she moved to the front door and unlocked it and turned the wooden sign around to let customers know her shop was open for business. She saw a few knights run about though looking for someone. She was a bit curious of the sudden action and observed from the safety of her store window. Then she noticed two knights moving towards the eastern section of the city. With them was the local paladin, known as Ishmael. She heard rumors and gossip that the brotherhood was going mobile upon the boarders of the mountain to protect the cities from the mountains evil. What could they honestly be wanting to show him so bad that they run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Ishmael moved with the knights guiding him out of the market district and towards the eastern guard tower. They told him that something was moving about the tree line of the forest and it had them all nervous. If it wasn't for his orders passed down by the church he would have waved it off, but because of that order he had to suspect anything and expect any attack. The church had a feeling that the dark one would begin it's attack on humanity and this is where it would start. The fight for good might start right here, right now. His helmet at his side as he moved. Long blond hair danced in the wind. The rain did not effect him as much as it did the others because of his natural resistance to evil. That is what the storm was after all. A sign of pending doom. The silence before the crushing doom. He just wished he had the strength to help these people.