"Ah captain" The Joker began standing up and placing his hands in his purple jackets pockets. "Such a nice surprise, I always preferred the red and blue to the dark bland black the Batman always uses." The Joker removed a small detonator from his pocket. "You see Capt I have this whole building set to explode." a small light on the TNT bombs beside the Joker lit up as he clicked a button "We wouldn't want to BLOW this out of proportion would we" He joked laughing softy to himself as Harley burst in "Puddin ! Men in fancy suits are surrounding the place" She said stopping in her tracks when she saw Captain America. "Who's the star spangled jock?" She joked giggling softly as she rested her side on the doorframe. "Well my dear he will soon be paste if he doesn't call off the men in suits " The Joker stared into The Captain his all too well known twisted smile on his face.