Upon entering the dining hall, Cassie looked about as she got a small breakfast. She never had eaten much in the morning. This morning, she just got an orange and a glass milk. She paused, looking to see where she and Jacob would sit. Toni and Jodie didn't seem to be int he hall yet and she wasn't exactly comfortable with the looks everyone was giving her. She was tempted to just suggest to little Jacob they both go eat their breakfast somewhere else, when she caught sight of Pony sitting by herself in the corner. Cassie had to admit, she felt torn. This girl. She seemed so sweet and nice, and would clearly make a good friend. But at the same time, with her bunking with Lucien....it hurt. It made her less open to trying to be friends with this girl and at the same time, made her think poorly of her Lucien. But still, she really had no where else to sit, and the girl did look pretty lonely over there by herself. Sighing, she finally gave in and walked over to the table, sitting across from Pony, Jake sitting next to Cassie, eating his cereal quietly. It was pretty obvious the little boy didn't want to sit there and Cassie could guess Toni had told him to stay away from Lucien and Pony. Or something of the sort anyway. Cassie took a sip of her milk before she went about to slowly peeling the orange she had in her hands, looking up at Pony, doing her best to keep a good attitude toward the girl, "Good morning." She said simply. She really couldn't think of anything to say to the girl. What could she say to her rival for Lucien's heart without being mean? She bit her lip, trying to think of something when she noticed something. Where was Lucien anyway? She looked back to her, pausing slightly. Was Lucien's current lover really the best person she wanted to ask about him? Well, she could ask someone else in the dining hall, but from the bad looks they were giving her, she had a feeling her saying anything to them would just result in smart mouths and bad names. Right now, the only person she could ask that would even have a chance of knowing the answer was Pony. She finished peeling the piece if fruit and ate one of the orange slices before speaking, "Where is Lucien? He's not skipping breakfast, is he?" She asked curiously, trying to make herself sound curious and keep bad tones from slipping into her voice toward this clearly sad(and slightly unstable) girl.