Tess spun, her HUD highlighting targets in red outlines, they were everywhere. To most people, the stream of information provided by the HUD would have been overwhelming. It displayed everything from friendly fields of fire to enemy positions and even current weather conditions, but with training, you could prioritize what you saw and what to pay attention to. And right now Tess was prioritizing, anything that wasn't her or her comrades, and had a gun, needed to die. There were several in her area, they went down with three shots to the chest. Behind her, Bines was doing the same, dropping targets as they both moved to cover. They had selected that specific area for rope insertion for one reason, it gave them an excellent position to cover the elevator banks, where the rest of Fox team was currently fighting off waves of drug crazed gang members. The enemy had their backs to them as they pumped fire into the planter. A bad idea they would soon come to regret as Tess and Bines rained down a hail of fire on them. [i]"CP to all units, close air support has been authorized, danger close, keep your heads down."[/i] She balked at the radio call, CAS in this area? Sure, the majority of the people now in the park were armed, but apartments ringed the open space, not even to mention the floors below, which the munitions could certainly punch through. This could quickly turn into a cluster fuck. "Fox Three, swing right to the boulders and hold." [i]"Received, we're moving.[/i] On the overhead battlefield map, she saw a familiar outline appear, moving quickly. The gunship. It settled into position outside the large windows that looked into the park, what was left of them anyway. Tess could see the line of fire for the chaingun, a thick blue line, as it swung around the courtyard, silent for the minute. "This is Babylon Executive Security Command. Return to your homes or we will use deadly force. Jack Thegn, exit the vehicle with your hands up and you will not be harmed." Many of the civilian combatants were focused on the gunship now, trying to figure out whether to run or shoot at the new arrival. "Fox Three, move to Alfa now, get them to the stairwell." [i]"Its a bit crowded over here, you sure?"[/i] "Everyone is focused on the gunship, and we've got you covered." [i]"Got it, Fox Three moving."[/i] Bines was already waiting, marksman rifle leaning on a trashcan, hitting anyone who dared take interest in the four grey figures sprinting behind them. Finally, they slid behind the corner. [i]"Fox Three in position. Alfa is in bad shape. Give us some cover and we'll exfil."[/i] "Got it Fox Three, on your go." She almost punched the air, success. The booming loudspeaker interrupted her silent celebration. "This is your last warning." [i]Shit[/i] "Bines, lets move." Together they bounded towards the downed hovercraft, hoping to get confirmation of the kill. Suddenly, the relative silence of the cease fire turned into a combined cacophony of small arms directed at the gunship. The gunship responded in kind, spitting hot lead at the miscreants. It pulped bodies and scenery anywhere it looked, sending chunks of masonry flying. Thanks to FOF identifiers, it should hit anything near Tess and Bines. Something to be grateful for. Movement flashed from the corner of her eye, and she turned just in time to see a figure tumble out of the door of the car, before taking off down the park. A split second later, the car too was pulped by rotary cannon fire. [i]That could only be one person.[/i] "Bines! On me!" She yelled as she sprinted towards the figure. Obstacles yielded easily to her. The metaphorical toolkit she had to conquer them was large, there would be no stopping her. Bines kept up at a respectable pace, but it was clear he was struggling, lacking the fluidity of movement and stumbling several times. "Stop running!" The fleet footed figure didn't listen however, disappearing into a stairwell instead.