[center][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/46/ruj2.png[/img] [b]National Synarchist Union for the Revolution[/b] Unión Nacional Sinarquista para la Revolución[/center] Camaradas! It has been a year since we defeated the enemies of the Revolution and brought forth a new chapter in the history of our great country. No longer will the people of Mexico be subject to enslavement by a wealthy upper-class that seeks to benefit only itself. Now, the people of Mexico will stand together, united by the Revolution, and we shall strive to see the ideals of what was fought for truly put into practice. In order to do this however, the National Synarchist Union for the Revolution(UNSR) will have to rule our nation and see that all is implemented correctly. Thus, in order to do so, all other parties are as of now no longer considered legal entities. New elections shall be held where the public may vote on those candidates officially endorsed by the UNSR. Further, I shall be taking on the role of Chairman of the Council for the Preservation of the Revolution, my duties will be solely to see that all that we have fought for is kept in place and honored. José Doroteo Arango Arámbula, a pillar of the Revolution to whom we owe a great deal, shall assume the Presidency and will represent our proud nation abroad. It may seem harsh for the time being, and even authoritarian in measure, but this is a necessary step in building the Revolutionary path. I thank you all for your support. ¡Viva la Revolución! [center][i]Emiliano Zapata[/i] Secretary-General of the National Command of the National Synarchist Union for the Revolution[/center]