[center]Despite having initiated conversation in the first place, Theow made a point of refraining from participating in the antics of his fellow Champions, using the boisterous interruption of wild woman to gauge their reactions. He had hoped to at least be working alongside professionals for this mission, though it appeared he would have no such luck, save for the more flesh deficient champion of the group who seemed to be in a hurry to get things started. From her general demeanor and manner of speaking the girl seemed like an ill fit for this sort of mission, this despite her admittedly intimidating ( to others of course) appearance. This being Agar Mythos though Theow would reserve judgement on her combat abilities until later. The wild woman on the other hand clearly needed to vent her frustrations on something before she imploded from boredom. Theow did not look forward to working alongside her in defense of the city, as too often had he seen hot headed champions lose their head at crucial moments and bring disaster to entire parties. He had nearly asked the woman if she needed a few minutes alone in a backroom somewhere to cool off when the Mayor had finally made his appearance. He looked about the same as when Theow had last visited, though possibly he had taken to moving even slower than before. The explanation of their goals was hardly needed all things considered, the mission itself being about as cut and dry as they came these days. Still, Theow waited patiently for their cue to ask any questions they had before speaking up , rising from the hearth as he did so and causing the various metal bits of his armor to chink and rattle with hi/ movement. "[i]What direction do these monsters come from each night? If we know that then it's possible that we can cut them off at their source before they arrive.[/i]"[/center]