Just as Fitch had finished speaking, the last member of the team walked up the cobbled street. He was a tall, thin boy with long jet-black hair. The kind of person who would usually stumble over their own long limbs when walking. Kenshin Takami was blessed to have been born without this natural gawkiness, though, and walked with a natural grace that gave the illusion of water flowing gently. This grace was offset by the clear unease he felt at being in such a bustling environment. Kenshin skirted carefully around larger groups of players and NPCs and went far out of his way to avoid touching or making eye contact with anyone, his hand never straying far from the hilt of the curved sword worn on his left hip. The scabbard was held on a long belt of braided black leather that looped from Kenshin’s hip, up around his chest, and over his right shoulder. Unlike the vast majority of players, Kenshin also wore his full battle armor in town. It consisted of black dress pants, not unlike those of a military dress uniform, and a black vest studded with small metal plates worn over a high-collared crimson tunic. A recently acquired black leather duster finished off the ensemble. On any similarly tall man, the whole getup would be rather intimidating and contrarily suave. With Kenshin behaving as awkwardly as he was, the whole thing just looked ridiculous. After weaving his way through the bustling crowd, Kenshin eventually came up to Luna, Yuri, Fitch, and Suto. Kenshin stopped a short distance and nervously shifted from foot to foot. “Hey guys, sorry I’m late. I got here a couple of hours early and decided to go do some solo hunting. Sorry I didn’t invite any of you, but I figured you were all kinda busy… In any event, do any of you know what to do with uhhh…,” Kenshin swiped his left hand through the air and opened his inventory, “some… orcskin, scrapmetal, or ‘plain stone’? ‘Cause I got those while hunting. Oh, and 65 col. I guess that’s something like 13 col per person? Now I’m rambling. Sorry. I’ll stop now. Sorry.” Kenshin looked away from the group, a slow flush creeping up his neck. Without glancing back, he walked over to a tall, wrought-iron, gas-burning lamp next to the bench where the others sat. Only then did he raise his gaze to peek through his hair at his partymates.