A flying convertible soars through the air, and lands carefully on the top of the warehouse. Phillip Coulson opens up the console. Inside are a few pistols, including a Glock, a revolver, and his good old ICER Pistol. He puts the third inside his holster. He gets around to the back of the car and opens the trunk. Inside are some tools, a gasmask, and a rope. He puts on the gasmask and grabs the tools. He presses a button on his SHIELD earpiece. "Alright, we're ready to infiltrate the building. Who's calling the shots for this op?" Someone on the other end calls in "Steve Rogers." Agent Coulson suddenly becomes a little light-headed. He takes a deep breath and walks over to a skylight. He can see the back-side of the Joker, who's having a chat with the Captain. Coulson nearly starts to tear up a little. He then does a little wave to Captain America, but then mentally kicks himself in the ass. He's on a mission! He puts an extended finger over his mouth, making a 'hush' gesture. He takes the tools and carefully removes a panel of the skylight, and then uses the rope to climb down skylight. He suddenly gets a message from the Captain. The agents outside are not to enter. He can't use his comm to verify (it would make too much noise), but his knowledge of SHIELD protocol allows him to know that deduce that he's supposed to continue the mission; otherwise, the Captain would have ordered a retreat of the agents inside.