"The Hell is going on," Re commed. "Bit of a firefight. Well, more like a lot of one. Area's frakkin' swarming with BESC and civilians alike, all busy shooting each other. You may want to stay out." "Stay out, Jey? It's like you just met me," Re said with a grin. "Why would I pass up an opportunity like this?" Jey muttered something in response, but he wasn't paying attention. It was probably just something about how dangerous it was. People loved to talk about that, even when it had no chance of changing someone's mind. He jumped out of the car, pulling out his EMP blaster. He fired a potshot into the crowd, hitting a BESC grunt. He put it away, though, knowing that most of the stuff there would be too heavy duty for a handheld EMP shot. Instead, he pulled out his rifle; switching the settings over to rapid fire/vec charge, he swore. There were too many people among the BESC for him to fire. Then something caught his eye. Someone had slipped out of the crowd and was trying to get off the building. "Jey! Get me ident on that man there. Fast!" About a second later, a display opened in his vision. He blinked, then checked again. "Motherfrakkin' [i]hasp[/i]," he muttered. That was Jack Thegn. He saw some BESC running after him, and fired some shots in their general direction before leaping down to head in that direction himself. What better way, he thought, to be a thorn in the government's side than keep them from catching one of their most wanted criminals. Anyway, Jack might owe him something if he saved him.