"Ah Capt you have placed us both in a pickle haven't you" The joker smiled as he dropped the detonator to the floor. "happy?" He asked as he listened to the captain "now now captain i couldnt give away the performance before the show now can I . You should just sit back and watch the fireworks, But for now don't you have some nazis to punch somewhere?" The Joker walked slowly towards the Captain un-threateningly and when they were within reaching distance he stopped "I always wondered what your shield was made out of.Lead? Adamantanium? Nazi Skulls? Vibranium?"The joker seemed to ponder "I imagine it doesn't matter as long as you can slug someone with it." He chuckled and turned his back to Steve, walking back to the position he was in "So now what happens? The boys bust in and take me away before i have a chance of killing everyone?" The joker laughed.Harley still stood by the door, patiently waiting for whatever the Joker was planning.