[center]As the strange scientist answered her, and another question, his patience seemed to have quickly diminished due to a certain idiot among them. But that couldn't be helped, freedom is sometimes a dreadful thing to give out freely, especially when wasted halfwits. Still, now wasn't the time to cry over spilled milk- we were clearly being shooed off. And with nothing else left to ask or say, she gave this [b]Delphia[/b] a quick glimpse before stepping away from the scene and awaiting for departure. "[i]Emi, that girl is weird. She has no expression, why is that?[/i]" questioned Pitch who had broken from his silent act. "[i]Hush Pitch, it's not polite to judge people.[/i]" responded Koemi who seemed more intrigued by the girl than unsettled. Abruptly she dropped to her rear, sitting comfortably on the concrete, turning and cackling as a raven fell from her shoulder. Within a few moments the dark cloud of chirping and humming descended from the sky landing in her vicinity, the large family pecking at the ground and stumbling as they patrolled the area. Pitch clumsily stepped upon her leg making himself comfortable Emi's knee, looking up to see that her face was stoically staring to the ground below. It was a normal occurrence for her, she did it when she was absolutely focused on her surroundings. "[i]People who'd wish to hinder their progress.[/i]" she thought to herself. "[i]I believe he said not to be on edge.[/i]" said Pitch, overhearing the girl's thoughts and looking up at her.[/center]