Thomas rolled his eyes as Liza chuckled, not really able to take the mention of others on the list dying seriously. If that was going to happen, it was very unlikely he or anyone else could do anything about it. Taking a chip as an excuse to pause in thought again, biting into it and taking note of Liza's expression. [i]It's not exactly a laughing matter, but everyone copes in different ways I suppose. Only have to look at myself for evidence of that, I probably wouldn't be talking to Liza if Sierra was still around. Not that there's anything wrong with her.[/i] "If the killer isn't on the list, it's most likely meant to be a warning. Or a sick joke, though I doubt anyone would have the presence of mind to pull a prank like that if they were about to die. For that matter, why would she make a list as a warning without explaining the reason for it? I mean, what exactly are we supposed to look out for?" he asked, his tone more conversational than serious. He wasn't going to make light of the situation, but he couldn't help a casual curiosity about the meaning of that list. "At least the cops won't have to try very hard to draw up a suspect list, she basically told them who to look for. Makes me wonder if they're even considering anyone not on the last as a possible suspect. I wouldn't, to begin with. Not until I had a reason to. Then again, I'm no detective. They'll find out who did it, or they won't. In the end it won't bring her back." Thomas shifted in his seat while considering his own words, laying one leg across the opposite knee. It was only a matter of time before the police decided to interview everyone on the list, that was for sure, but it still made him a little anxious. "Whatever will be, will be. Nothing we do now is going to change that, so we might as well just wait it out and hope her killer is brought to justice."