Arabella was sitting in her Child Development class, bouncing impatiently in her seat as she waited for the teacher to announce the pairings. They were being split into pairs to take care of a electronic baby that had the behaviors of a new born child. It had a sensor in the back that detected if the child hand been tossed around and it also monitors the feedings, changing, basically everything that the baby does. Arabella had her fingers crossed, really hoping that she would be paired with her friend James. Willow sat quietly in the back with her head down but she was still listening to the teacher as she doodled absently in her notebook. She was not looking forward to this project. It involved a child. A child that cried and positively insured more beatings from her father if it woke him up or annoyed him in any way. She just hoped she wouldn't be holding the baby should he fly into a rage. She also wasn't looking forward to the fact that they had to work with someone else. Willow sighed, laying her head down. "So, the pairings will be..." Arabella sat up in her seat, eyes bright with excitement. "Arabella and Arthur." Arabella visibly deflated, shooting James an annoyed look as she turned in her seat to look at Arthur. Great, she was paired with the boy was as quiet as James was. She sighed, slumping in her seat. "Willow and James." Willow blinked and raised her head, peeking at James from underneath her bangs.