[quote=Gowi] My biggest criticism I could lend while I think on outlining my own post is the fact Khandaq is in the middle east, not Compton/Harlem; dialogue is different, culture is different-- lots of things to consider when crafting Khandaqi stories. Also what stories do you intend to tell with Black Adam solo? [/quote] The dialogue needs work, yeah. I couldn't think of how to craft that clearly. And it's a focus on Black Adam retaking Khandaq. After that's done, if you're up for it, I'd like to do another Black Adam/Capt. Marvel story but more like a reluctant team up. Solo, I'd say it focuses on Felix Faust as an enemy, and meeting Isis for the first time. Advice on Khandaqi dialogue? EDIT: I REDID PARTS OF THE CS AND EXPANEDED ON KHANDAQI LORE. I ALSO REDID THE SAMPLE DIALOGUE. I EXPANDED ON BLACK ADAM'S ATTIRE. EDIT II: I'm focusing on Felix Faust, Khandaq And THE EGYPTIAN GODS AS SOLO BLACK ADAM STORIES.