Biting into his own muffin, Noah looked over the newbies slowly. All in all, it looked like an interesting group. After a few moments of closer inspection, one of the new girls gave him reason to pause. It was hard to tell in the group, but it seemed like he could sense two very different emotions coming from her. She was clearly excited as she squealed and re-enacted the slow motion fall, but he could swear that he sensed something under that, something bored and ashamed. It wasn't the same feeling he got from a repressed emotion either. Noah wasn't so forward as to approach the newcomer, but his eyes remained on her in a vacant, if not disinterested stare. He would have to find her later, when she was alone, if he was going to talk to her. Besides, he hated talking in front of an audience, especially one that couldn't hide it's boredom from him.