Howard Roark Age: 33 Master Appearance: Howard is very unkempt with hair in long need of cutting, usually having stubble as he doesn't bother to shave regularly, that being said he could be considered quite attractive if he put effort in to appearances. His clothing isn't much better usually having some sort of stain on them and not fitting probably with shirts being too small or trousers that are too long. If going out on the rare occasion of it not being work related he would were dark jeans with an old pair of shoes with a couple of holes in them, on his torso he would wear a plain white tee with a hoodie and jacket over it. Personality: Howard lives and was brought up in the UK. Failing his GCSEs he never went on to higher education leaving him in a dead end job shelf staking at his local super market and living off benefits. Howard takes every opportunity to gain from the state as he can, frequently visiting the NHS for any little problem in the hope to get off work and not getting fired in the process. Hating his work, he often slack off and does the minimum amount of work needed, he detests his fellow colleagues and avoids socialising with them as much as possible. Leaving him being very lonely and hostile to social interaction assuming that every one is going to criticise him and his life style. Juxtaposed to this, in his childhood were he was very open and quite popular. Bio: Howard has no magic circuit in his body and knows next to nothing in terms of spells other than a basic ritual that surprisingly worked and summoned Lancer. Howard got involved after reading about the Holy Grail War on a conspiracy theory website, immediately Howard travelled to Fuyuki city from England. While on the plane he read up on Magic not understanding what any of it means despite his best efforts, only memorising a summoning ritual. The Holy Grail War is the solution to his problems, the power of the grail could give him the opportunity to restart his life and get out of his dept and self-pity. Using all his savings and loans from what little friends he has set out for Japan with not enough money for a return flight he is willing to risk everything for this once in a life time chance. (It's a placeholder name for the time being until I think of some thing better.)