[b] [u] Ulysses HAMMERJUSTICE [/u] [/b] As Ulysses stared ahead, occasionally sipping at his coke, something astounding and improbable had happened. He actually realized what the hell he was actually supposed to be doing. Suddenly, he felt quite stupid and a little embarrassed, but decided to make up for lost time. With more stupid. [b]"Oh, we're supposed to have the girl follow us while we do... stuff."[/b] Ulysses said, obviously having trouble thinking of any specific examples, as 'daily activities' was quite vague. The creepy cyborg guy suggested that it was a good time for introductions, and Ulysses agreed. [b]"Yeah, I'm Ulysses! But, most people already know that..."[/b] How could they not, Ulysses was really damn hard to miss. [b]"And that's the guy that's... well, everywhere. And that's the Crow-girl that took Tom away."[/b] He said to the Blue-haired man and the crow-girl, respectively. He was still kinda bitter about Tom... never even let him finish his cheeseburger... [b]"And... I don't think I've met you. Sorry..."[/b] He said to the other Robot. Other cyborg champions were on the rare side, so he tended to try and make friends with them. He might as well, seeing as how most champions were small anime girls. In any event, crow-girl was talking to, what else, a crow, Blu hair was upset, the scientist seemed confused and frustrated, and the cyborg was the only one actually trying to do anything. He didn't really hear the cyborg insult him, so no harm done. He walked over to the Girl, and went down to a knee. [b]"Hey, what's your name? I'm Ulysses."[/b] He said as he offered the girl a hand. The girl just sort of blankly stared at him, no emotion whatsoever in her eyes. [b]"Don't want to talk yet? that's alright..."[/b] he said. as he lightly picked her up, and put her up on his shoulders. [b]"Well, with you up here, you'll see more stuff! It's called the high ground, very important."[/b] He said with a bit of a laugh. [b]"Well, we should head out, no sense standing around being disappointed in one another."[/b] Odd. That last sentence showed an unusual level of awareness.