[quote=HazmatMedic] Alright, ive had it with this crap.Game over. End of thread. Film at 11.This is getting a total mulligan. I am redoing it. And this time, I'm in charge, regardless of how many tantrums I throw. I am trying to host a simple RP here, but if we keep moaning about it, then we try again. And again.If there is one thing ive learned about all this, it's I should stay GM and stay true to my original plans.You want to keep going? Be my guest. But I'm out.Viva la Lyra! [/quote] Let me stop you right here. I've been rather patient through this entire shitstorm for the past, what, three hours or so that it's been going on? This glorious spectacle--if you can even call it that--has resulted in two or three players already dumping the thread on the side of the road because it's pretty much junk at this point. Seriously, come the fuck on; this issue hardly warrants a complete redo of the thread, which would be the [u]THIRD[/u] time around for a thread that has 10 IC posts. Here's what happens. Raptor keeps his landmass, and Ender gets Calxus. My people will relocate to Nebil, and everyone else in the thread will relax for a second before you all fool around and cause what remains of this thread's playerbase to QQ (cry) and RQ (ragequit).