Nation Sheet Flag: [img=] Nation Name: The New Army of the Republic Government Type: Galactic Republic Capital: Coruscant Home Sector: The Core Holdings: Metellos, Tanjay, Alsakan, Ixtlar (All on routes leading to Coruscant; first lines of defense) Leader(s): General Lewis of the 351st Airborne Troopers, Colonel Jagar Barn of the Coruscant Loyalty Fighters, Persons of Importance: Military: Clone Commandos [img=] Clone Troopers [img=] Rebel Militia [img=] History: After the fall of the Empire, those clones that were still loyal to the Republic defected from the Imperial Army to assist the Rebelling forces. After word got around that a group of Clones and Rebels were fighting the Imperial remenants, Incom Corporation contacted the group's leaders and asked them to set up a meeting at the group's base on Coruscant. At the meeting, Incom's representatoves brought these men their prototype X-Wing fighters. In addition to the Y-Wings and Arc-170s the Clones brought, the group had a formidable Navy. Military Force Ships: Stolen Imperial Venator-Class Ship (x1) Acclamator-Class Assault Ship (x10) Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (x1) Arc-170s Y-Wings X-Wings LAAT Dropships Military Force Ground Forces: ATTE Tanks HAVw A5 Juggernaut Tanks TX-130 Sabre Class Fighter Tanks 74-Z Speeder Bike