[url=http://magerune.blogspot.com/2013/11/xukhezur-kavinath.html]Xukhezur[/url] was already at the market, donned in an unremarkable dark gray hooded cloak, worn over his protomorphic jump suit and other attire. Hailing from the underdark of another world, he could be found on the surface just as often as below it, seeking information, potential clients or components for his projects. He was also something of an explorer and tradesman, normally looking to establish routes for his nation's satellite enclaves. Access to his own nation's warded and concealed capital was limited. Few foreigners had ever been allowed inside, transported there whilst under stasis and periodically wiped of memories involving classified and sensitive information when they no longer required such. As a result, departed visitors were left with recollections involving only the satellite enclaves they first visited, and redacted memories of relevant meetings they had attended while in the capital. This visit to the world of Kurn however, involved seeking a band of thieves who'd happened upon and plundered a hidden armory cache belonging to his people. Possessed of moderate power and utility, the total number of these implements warranted a swift and vigilant pursuit and judicious capture of those responsible. Xukhezur had been remotely contacted several hours before, regarding the crime, and was assigned to peruse the markets of Lithium for any information regarding these items, to see if they'd passed through local hands or were being pawned off. Meanwhile, three of his optic orb homunculi scouted the city, searching for signs of the stolen items, as well as signs of violence, potent magical phenomena and uncatalogued creatures that could serve as a basis for Xukhezur's next effigy. Each optic orb homunculus appeared as a dull mottled metallic sphere one inch in diameter, covered in a multitude of miniscule recessed mox gems, and moved itself by means of manipulating an aura of artifical gravity. Often rendered invisible by means of their innate magical abilities, these homunculi could often count on going unnoticed by most, save for prudent beings of sufficient means. As the clouds gathered overhead, the lightning struck and companies of knights and soldiers were brought to attention and mobilized themselves, Xukhezur grimaced with mixed thoughts. A fierce battle or siege would hamper his investigations, although it would divide everyone's attention and might enable him to search otherwise inaccessible portions of the city. Although, if he offered his assistance to the people of this city, he might be able to garner favor in a manner that might help him come by more clients, trade contracts as well as informants that might lead him to the thieves.