"Righhhhht..." Gaul said as the priestess put her sword to his neck " Well my compatriots are discussing the issue with your mayor and I guess you could say i'm running reconnaissance." When she put her sword down he was a little relieved, Holy weapons were one of the only things that still bothered him and having a blessed sword so close was kinda scary. "I shall be setting up an advance guard and sending out some scouts, and as I was trying to say earlier any information on these creatures would be very useful." As he spoke he began the short ritual necessary for him to raise his undead servants, Green energy beginning to form around him and coalesce in the staff before reaching a critical point he strikes the ground sending the energy pulsing into the ground. After a short delay eight skeletons wielding rusted blades pulled themselves from the earth around him. "Take up defensive positions around this gate" he commanded and his fighters obeyed turning and shambling to different spots around the entrance. "except for you two" he said to the two closest skeletons who stopped and turned and faced him. With a twist of his staff and a word of power the two skeletons exploded into a cloud of swirling ash and smoke that coalesced into the vague form of a wraith it's two pallid arms hanging limply. "I want you to scan the forest and find what you can about where these things have been coming from" He ordered the creature who nodded its affirmation and flew off in a swirl of darkness. "You three front and center" he commanded another batch of skeletons over to him, when they arrived he uttered another word of power and made another gesture with his staff and the three skeletons crumbled into dirt before in their place arose from the earth the hulking armored form of a Grave-lord. "You will be taking the center point" Gaul told it "Let no enemy pass alive." The Grave-lord nodded its silent acceptance and moved in its slow methodical way to stand right next to where the priestess was. Looking around at his handy work Gaul was satisfied the four defenders would be able to hold the gate easily with a little assistance and the wraith would give him a bead on Stitchenstein. Feeling a little knackered after all this summoning Gaul walked under the gate out of the rain and sat on the ground crossing his legs and began meditating, the closest to sleep he got now.