[b]Username:[/b] Dragon [b]Name:[/b] Talbot [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Birthday:[/b] February 8th [b]Class:[/b] Dark Mage [will reclass to Sage] [b]Allied to?:[/b] Shepherds [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Thoron]Thoron[/url], [url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Arcwind]Arcwind[/url], [url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Waste]Waste[/url] [b]Clothing:[/b] [url=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130119130360/fireemblem/images/c/c4/Male_Mage.jpg]Basic Mage Uniform.[/url] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.zerochan.net/1120564#full]The dark haired fellow on the right.[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Talbot is quite the interesting fellow. On one hand, he is young and full of life, often bustling about and wanting to have fun. This makes others grow exasperated with his “look on the bright side” personality. On the other hand, however, Talbot reveres his tomes. When he is reading, he is quiet and serious and grows irritated when people interrupt him. Some might say that he has a double personality, but it isn’t so. It’s just that Talbot knows when he wants to fool around and when he wants to read with a cup of tea. In battle, he is just as serious as he is when he is reading his tomes. [b]Biography:[/b] Talbot was born in Ylisse to a fairly poor family. His mother could not find work and his father tirelessly worked the fields. He spent most of his childhood alone with no siblings to play with, or no one to talk to, since his parents were always busy. His mother cleaned and fed the many animals that they had on their farm and his father sowed, harvested, turned the soil, and did much more hard labor. So, Talbot turned to the books. At age five, he read short stories in large volumes. At age ten he began to read full length novels without any trouble. When he turned twelve he began to show an interest in magic, and often went to Ylisstol to borrow books from considerate mages. It was then that his father grew ill with an unknown disease and slowly began to deteriorate. His mother began to tend to his father for such long periods of time that the farm had started to become conquered by weeds and pests, and the animals were dying off. Talbot knew that he had to do something, so he struggled to tend to the land himself. Talbot was fifteen when his father lost his battle with his disease. Soon after, his mother abandoned him for a man who wanted no children in his household. Talbot was left alone. Struggling to survive, he turned to thievery. He didn’t pull off grand heists that left people baffled, but he cut gold purses and ripped bread from hands. Talbot still read tomes when he could. He would usually sit under market overhangs that sheltered him from the rain, but not the cold or wind. It was somewhat amusing, watching a wide eyed and trembling Talbot clutching to a soaked tome as he struggled to fall asleep. Well, if you compare him to the way he is currently, at least. It was a very cold day in February that Talbot first met the Shepherds. Dirty, starving, and suffering from a very minor case of bronchitis [small enough to be healed at the time], he saw strong looking men and women in the town square of Ylisstol. Talbot meant to take the gold purse of the wealthiest looking one there, but he was caught within moments. The man that he tried to steal from was so large that he practically yanked the poor mage off of the ground by his wrist. Crying out of fear, anger, and pain, he thrashed in the man’s grip, doing anything he could to get away. The Lord of the group noticed the fire burning in him, and ordered the man to let go of him. Despite being filled with fear, Talbot listened to the proposition that the Lord was giving him; he could join the Shepherds or possibly live the rest of his days in poverty. It was obvious what Talbot chose—he left Ylisstol with the Shepherds and traveled a bit north. They tended to his coughing and wheezing and gave him new tomes to study from. When he was eighteen he had enough experience with magic to become a full-fledged mage that he could call in storms of wind, fire, and lightning in the matter of a breath. When Talbot was twenty, he fell in love with another Shepherd, a woman named Natalia. She was a year younger than him, but it didn’t matter at all to the young mage. They were so deeply entwined in one another that, within the year, they were engaged. Natalia was soon deported to a southern barracks while Talbot continued to live in his northern one. Their marriage had to be delayed, but even then Talbot did not stop babbling and dreaming about his love. The two often wrote to each other. Then it happened. Talbot didn’t know what [i]had[/i] happened then, but he heard of a massive slaughter of the Shepherds near Ylisstol. It was the first time in a while that he felt fear claw at his heart; Natalia was not stationed there, but he knew that if the massacres continued, she may come in harm’s way. Yet Talbot could not do anything. He wrote to Natalia over and over, but there was no answer. By the time the second and third barracks fell, Talbot received news of Natalia. She had been killed by one of the Exalt’s army. No one really knew what came over Talbot then, but some might say that he was possessed by a demon with the drastic turn his personality took. Talbot no longer read or played, and he hardly ate. He also began to read dark tomes, which he usually avoided. He began to get into fights with other Shepherds, dueling to the point where he had received serious lacerations and his opponent was badly injured. When the seventh barracks fell, Talbot knew he had to make a change for the better. He tried his best to get along with the other Shepherds, trying to kindle the flames of alliance that they once had between each other. But the Shepherds were frightened. Talbot, still bleeding from his broken heart, entertained them by singing songs of old and learning to play the lute. The one who tried to kill anyone who stepped close to him had become the one who tried to preserve the troops’ happy spirits. Finally the eighth barracks fell in a bloody battle. Talbot was in said battle, fighting for his life. The spells had almost taken his energy to fight, but he had survived to the very end. Bruised and bleeding, Talbot left for Plegia with the loyal Shepherds and now vows to show the world how corrupt Darrian is. [b]Quirk:[/b] Most experienced with music. [b]Strengths:[/b] His loyalty, his intelligence. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Can easily make and break a friendship, can be very hostile at times, can let his emotions, especially anger, get in his way. [b]Likes:[/b] Sweets, warmth, music, singing, having friends, magic, his tomes, books, reading, writing [he actually still writes to Natalia but keeps his letters], the Shepherds, his lute, eating, hunting, stories. [b]Dislikes:[/b] People who disrespect him, disloyal people, Darrian, fighting, death, the thought of forging another relationship with a woman [in fear of losing her again]. [b]Romantic Interest:[/b] None [b]Other:[/b] … --- [b]Username:[/b] Dragon [b]Name:[/b] Ambra [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Birthday:[/b] September 3rd [b]Class:[/b] Archer [b]Allied to?:[/b] Shepherds [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130422041617/fireemblem/images/thumb/4/4b/Silver_bowAwakening.jpg/250px-Silver_bowAwakening.jpg]Silver Bow[/url] [b]Clothing:[/b] [url=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130119131613/fireemblem/images/b/be/Archer_female.jpg]This clothing is light enough for me![/url] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://konachan.net/image/21e60571c3cd2aae2b051158de449b7f/Konachan.com%20-%2083344%20bitter_smile.%20blue_eyes%20cuteg%20long_hair%20red_hair%20seifuku%20todoroki_sakurako.jpg]Got somethin’ for you...![/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Ambra is quite curious. She is very sweet and kind, and a romantic. In other words, she acts very young for her age. Her feelings can be easily hurt and she often does not understand dirty or inappropriate jokes. This leads to the assumption that she is slow, but she is really quick as a whip. Even if she is a pacifist, she has a very dark side to her. She can be aggressive and humorless when she is bothered. She can very well lash out at someone like an angry cat if severely provoked. Even if this is fact, Ambra always attempts to keep her sweet and kind exterior to loved ones. Ambra truly believes that anyone can be trusted if they say so, which can lead to trouble down the road. [b]Biography:[/b] Ambra was born to a very loving mother and father. When she was a newborn, she was never expected to survive a month. Due to this fact Ambra has always been a sickly woman, easily afflicted by disease. Her mother could not even give her milk, due to being so weak after her birthing. Her father lived with his sisters, however, one of which birthed a month before and had milk of her own. Ambra was saved by her aunt, who nursed her and kept her warm and full. Despite the wet-nursing, Ambra forged a very strong bond with her mother. When her mother was healthy again, Ambra constantly played with her. Her father often joined in the play-fights they had. Though the diseases took their toll on her mother. A previous ailment had left her very weak, and another one grabbed hold of her too soon. She passed away soon after, leaving her father and her by themselves once they moved to Ylisse. Her father became severely depressed, and he was almost driven to the point of killing himself. Knowing his unstable condition, he sent eighteen year old Ambra to the Shepherds to be recruited into their ranks. While Ambra did not understand why her father gave her over to the mercenaries, a man named Scipio told her that she soon would. For the next one and a half year, Scipio trained Ambra the only way he knew how: in the art of archery. He was a brutal teacher, unfeeling and cold. He was strict when he was training her and woke her up at dawn so she could train until dusk. Her fingers became lacerated and bleeding, and yet she continued her training. Nocking, pulling, shooting. Nocking, pulling, shooting. Soon Ambra could make a bulls-eye from long distances, and became a strong warrior. When Exalt Darrian began his genocide, Ambra was terrified. Yet she fled to Plegia before the last barracks fell, and reunited with the Shepherds. Due to leaving before her time, Ambra was branded a coward by many of her brothers in arms. [b]Quirk:[/b] Knows most about salves, poisons, and healing herbs. [b]Strengths:[/b] Amazing medic, very smart and cunning. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Very trusting, emotional, stubborn. [b]Likes:[/b] Animals, books, flowers, warm weather, nice people. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Violence, people who bother her. [b]Romantic Interest:[/b] None. [b]Other:[/b] … --- [b]Username:[/b] Dragon [b]Name:[/b] Lumara [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Birthday:[/b] December 12th [b]Class:[/b] Wyvern Lord [b]Allied to?:[/b] Shepherds [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130420194253/fireemblem/images/thumb/6/6d/Killer_LanceAwakening.jpg/70px-Killer_LanceAwakening.jpg]Killer Lance[/url], [url=http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130421234926/fireemblem/images/thumb/a/aa/Short_Axe.jpg/100px-Short_Axe.jpg]Short Axe[/url] [b]Clothing:[/b] [url=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130130075307/fireemblem/images/b/b9/Serge_Kakusei_Official_Artwork.png]Basic Wyvern Rider Uniform[/url] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://ip1.anime-pictures.net/jvwall_images/4d8/4d8e6d2033f3793a93db3b4c4d0e4fe3_bp.jpg]Don’t take me as a sweetheart.[/url] [url= http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130124025348/fireemblem/images/thumb/b/bf/Dragonknightmount.jpg/1000px-Dragonknightmount.jpg]And her mount, Caius, a male wyvern.[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Lumara is usually misliked by a lot of people due to her tough and ambitious nature. She is loud, obnoxious, and believes that she is the best warrior that ever graced the land. She loves to drink and dance and sing, drunkenly, of course. Other than that, she is vicious and merciless in battle... Despite being young, she can take down a few men without even stopping for a breath. Speaking of men, Lumara loves them. A lot. One could say she sleeps around. Other than being loud, annoying, and a drunk, Lumara will gladly lay down her life for one of the Shephards… if she’s sober enough to do it. Funnily, she also gives Caius some of the alcohol she contains, which often leads to a passed out wyvern in the middle of camp. [b]Biography:[/b] Lumara was born in Ylisse as well, but to a very wealthy family. She was raised to be a proper lady, one that would cook and clean for her husband when she was old enough to marry. Lumara didn’t think that she was suited for the life of a noble, however. She ran away from home at the age of fifteen, leaving behind all of her valuables. Lumara took up arms with a rogue mercenary group called the Riders of Dawn, and while she served them, they protected her. She was given weapons and proper clothing suited for battle. Lumara became a Wyvern Rider when she was in her second year of being with the Riders. It was then that she met her brown Wyvern, and named him Caius. The two forged a strong bond as rider and Wyvern. The Riders of Dawn were killed in a squabble between a rival faction when Lumara was twenty. Having her family ripped away, Lumara turned to alcohol. She often drank so much that she would pass out in local taverns and wake up when it was time to close up. Everyone knew her as the local drunk and everyone avoided her. Lumara began sour and aggressive, continuously drinking and finding men to spend time with. One day, Lumara was wasted, as usual. She had provoked a fight with a Shepherd, and the two had a very violent brawl. When she had beaten the crap out of him, and he out of her, the Shepherd laughed. He admired her spirits, he said, and asked if she could join. Lumara thought that this was a joke; the man was offering her work even as he cradled his dislocated jaw. But he was serious. Lumara took up arms once again at the age of twenty and simultaneously became a Wyvern Lord. When the barracks fell, Lumara fled to Plegia with the rest of the loyal Shepherds. [b]Quirk:[/b] Is the quickest climber. [b]Strengths:[/b] Cunning, loyal. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Loud, doesn’t listen to anyone, a drunkard, very violent. [b]Likes:[/b] Alcohol, men, violence, warmth, Caius, the Shepherds. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Just about everything else. --- [b]Username:[/b] Dragon [b]Name:[/b] Darrian [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Birthday:[/b] October 12th [b]Class:[/b] Great Lord [Since he is the Exalt] [b]Allied to?:[/b] Ylisse [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130120040627/fireemblem/images/0/01/FalchionAwakening.jpg]Falchion[/url], [url=http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130120222145/fireemblem/images/4/48/Noble_BladeAwakening.jpg]Noble Rapier[/url] [b]Clothing:[/b] [url=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130503023158/fireemblem/images/b/b3/Marthdlc_img.jpg]Exalt Clothing[/url] [I LOVE THAT BLUE-GRAY COMBO ARGGGGG] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/PoL-Noah-191676730]Something like that, with his hair cut a bit short.[/url] The [url=http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130119144426/fireemblem/images/archive/4/41/20130122064756!Naga_mark.jpg]Mark of the Exalt[/url] is found on his lower back. [b]Personality:[/b] In public, Darrian is as calm, kind, and gentle as was Emmeryn. He picks up children and puts them on his shoulders, and kisses newborn babes for their mothers. He speaks of peace and justice to his people, but really, he couldn’t be further from speaking the truth. When he is with his men, Darrian is cold and uncaring. He has sent men on impossible missions before, and does not care for their obvious fear of being slaughtered at enemy doorsteps. While many of his soldiers would carry out his every command, there are others who seek to overthrow Darrian. However, he has made quick work of removing that threat; anyone who steps out of bounds will be on the block with an axe at their throat in no time. Some say he is simply insane, burdened by the load that his ancestors passed to him, but even Darrian thwarts that suspicion. [b]Biography:[/b] Darrian was the first born of the current Exalt. It was known that he would one day become the ruler of Ylisse, and when Darrian was but three, he was thrown into a whirlwind of training. He was taught how to fight and how to be diplomatic, how to speak and how to read, and when to be stern and when to be kind. Darrian mastered all of these lessons at sixteen, but there was one aspect of being the next in line that he loved- fighting. Darrian would easily take on three or four people at the time without a fatal wound. The man was a master swordsman at age twenty. However, as he continued to fight, his other skills began to grow weak. Darrian became very aggressive, always arguing and being unfair to the servants around the castle. He knew exactly what he was; he was royal blood, and he should be treated as such. No one did anything to stop Darrian. When the previous Exalt passed on to the next world, Darrian was immediately crowned as the new Exalt. It was then that he began to plot to take over the whole world, uniting Valm, Plegia, and Ylisse under his banner. No one was going to stop him. Until the Shepherds began to find out about his scheme. Darrian began to grow paranoid and afraid, much like a little child. When he ordered the genocide of the Shepherds, the land was confused. Why would he want a massive branch of the protectors of Ylisse murdered? However, cunning Darrian immediately made up a lie. He said that the Shepherds were traitors, working hand in hand with Plegia. And so started the slaughter… [b]Quirk:[/b] Possibly the quickest to get angry. [b]Strengths:[/b] Very cunning, and very persuasive. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Horribly aggressive [has been known to kill his own men in fits of anger], will risk anything to get what he wants, and somewhat oppressive. [b]Likes:[/b] Fancy foods, being treated as he is supposed to be treated, his most loyal men, striking fear into his enemies’ hearts, hunting the Shepherds, making sure he is in control, Ylisse, war, success. [b]Dislikes:[/b] the Shepherds, some of his ancestors [Chrom and Lucina especially], being disrespected, stubborn people who don’t want to be controlled, failure, peace. [b]Romantic Interest:[/b] Well, he HAS to have a bride to produce a heir… but he’s single now. [b]Other:[/b] Some say he might have a few bastard sons around Ylisse.