Welcome, boys and girls, to the OOC thread of the Mordred Academy of Magical Arts! Soon you will have all you need to start your journey in a subtly magical world, starting your characters as young six years olds and making your way through their childhood all the way to their twenty first birthday! What is MAMA, you ask? It is a fictional academy created by the equally fictional and legendary Mordred, the sometimes son of the sorceress Morgana herself, and is thus an Arthurian themed school that is over a millennium old. The time of bold shows of magical powers is long gone after that awful business with the Witch Hunts, however, and subtlety and cunning is a vital skill for any magic user. Your character will learn how to blend in with the mundane, thrive in the world they live in and use their arcane knowledge to secretly achieve power and prestige, wherever and however they choose to live their lives. The MAMA is separated into thirteen blocks of four weeks courses a year, and is a year long boarding school where students study from three to six days a week depending on their ages, abilities and choice of studies. As a six years old, each of you will start with three courses of your choice from a initially limited pool of learning and will be able to change your schedule at the start of every blocks of study, the free time you have being used for physical exercise, social plays and language and writing tutoring by elder students. Each student will earn a point of the chosen courses per blocks, that will gauge how advanced their skills in that area are in term of Expertise Ranks, each rank gained unlocking more opportunity, as well as privileges and sometimes boons. Each rank is as follow, with each amount of attendance needed: 1 - Inept 3 - Novice 6 - Able 18 - Journeyman 36 - Skilled 108 - Talented 216 - Seasoned 648 - Expert 1 296 - Virtuoso 3 888 - Master With time, double courses of the same type will be available, each sixteen year old pupil being able to take them as long as an empty course slot is available. As for the requirements to be taken in by the school, a promising orphan or the child of an alumni would be the only candidates as prospective pupils, and the roleplay will start at the arrival of the newest batch of pupils. Now, the rules are simple, at least a full paragraph per post, good effort and an enjoyable and relaxed OOC. The effort part means both in quality of post and activity of the player. Once you agree to these rules, you are free to complete and post the following CS: Name: Gender: Status: Orphan or Alumni Child Appearance: (please use a description of at least one full paragraph) Personality: (at least one full paragraph) The rest will be developed and tweaked IC, so don't bother with backgrounds or courses just yet.