Viktor took note of the approaching footsteps and was hoping they would soon start getting quieter, but they did not. He looked up to see a man standing above him offering him a cigarette and asking what's wrong. Viktor declined the stranger's offer with a nod of his head. He knew people did not make gentlemanly gestures such as that in these Wastes to a complete stranger, irritated looking one at that. No, something was up. Viktor figured he would entertain the man while the encounter lasted, he figured he would have trouble filling his idle time throughout the day anyways. [b]"Murder? No no. You have me mistaken, friend. Nothing is wrong. Places like that I try not to attract any more attention than I want. Those drunken fools can't tell their left from their right. My name is Viktor by the way. Now tell me, Tallahassee, I would not be wrong in assuming you want more from me than to offer your cigarettes and talk about how the world goes round, don't you?"[/b] Viktor asked the man as he gestured an offer for him to take a seat on the ground next to him.