Steve was actually surprised when the Joker dropped the detonator altogether and surrendered, though he didn't take his eyes off of the Joker for a minute as he tried to assess this new development. "Well yeah, something like that at least. SHIELD takes you and Ms.Quinzel into custody and processes you and depending on how things go you'll both probably either wind up back at Arkham or in SHIELD holding cells under psychiatric supervision." He didn't move a muscle as the Joker walked up to him to examine the mighty shield, just in case something went down. "Isn't it obvious? It's made out of truth, justice and The American Dream." This said with a slight edge of sarcasm. "So, are you gonna come with me quietly to meet the boys outside or are they gonna have to storm in here? I think I've got some of those fancy handcuffs SHIELD likes so much somewhere. They're not made out of the same stuff as the shield but I think they work just fine on clowns." Cap slipped a pair of magnetically locking cuffs out of a belt at his waist and moved to try and cuff the Joker with them, trusting Coulson to cover him while he did.