Name: Lucy (Last name unknown) Gender: Female Status: Orphan Appearance: Standing at 3'6, weighing 45 lbs. Lucy is quite slim with brown hair that has a reddish tint. She has wavy, almost curly hair that flows down to right above her shoulder blades. A few threads of her hair constantly falling over her fierce crimson eyes. Lucy can usually be found wearing her favorite bright red one piece close fit hoody that ends as a skirt widely flowing out right above her knees and sleeves that extend to right before her finger tips. Also wearing a thick black loose fit belt that hangs slanted on her hips and black boots going half way up her shins. Personality: One can only assume being an orphan and not knowing her parents is the cause of Lucy's aggressive behavior. She gets frustrated easily and is a sore loser. She gets annoyed when she sees others accomplishing impressive things and feeling good about it. She is envious of others who get what she strives for and she masks it by acting out seemingly random acts of hatred. Lucy tries to get along with others but she has yet to understand what is socially acceptable when it comes to conversing with others. Lucy receives a diverse range of emotions but is only able to express them through aggression.