Rose is accepted as long as she keeps her legs lol. Alaric looks good for the most part, but I think it would be best if the specific mention of rape were taken out. Crystoph is accepted. Heloise is accepted though I would cut back the 'expert marksman' just a tad. Atheena is also accepted. Looking at the profiles, it would seem the general traits that characters people are making have is having only one or two primary skills with very little mastery over other things. For example, everyone seems to match the classes of marksman, swordsman and all that. Nobody really seems to have a general character that can do a lot of things. Lots of humans too. I think I'll do something like a 'Race of the Week" where I make up a new race and put out all the details about them lol. That way we can start to build up the life in the world. My profile will be rather short as I play the strong quiet and mysterious character! Strong willed that is. DWI! Name: Fang... *Cough* I mean, uh... Maria Age: 23 Race: Human Picture Reference OR Physical Description: [hider=Maria:][img=][/hider] Personality: Maria is pretty laid back and careless about most things. She often acts strong willed and tends to see the brighter sides of things. She's not one to back down from a fight if she can help it, and often looks for ways to get around obstacles that would otherwise be a difficult challenge. She's not very feminine in her behavior, often acting more like a man than many men do. She does however still retain many things that make her the woman she is. Specifically she is very clean, never drinks, and her body lacks much muscle. History: Maria's past is a history, and she refuses to give anyone her last name. It took a while for her to be accepted into the guild for this reason, but finally the Guild Master trusted her and she was officially a member of Iron Tree. Since then she has spent more time sitting around the guild drinking juice and eating snacks than she has going on quests. She does enough to make her keep and not be a moocher, but she still doesn't actively seek out challenges like other members of the group. That's not to say she refuses to accept quests of course. Class: Combat Healer Full list of combat skills: Maria uses her magic to heal her friends, and because of this usually plays more of a support role in groups. She doesn't ever take on challenging quests by herself, as she lacks the spell knowledge to actually attack her enemies. For offensive ability, Maria is left with her staff. She's not the best with it, but she's far from defenseless. She only knows one spell: Water Orb: Water spells are known for their healing abilities, and the water orb spell creates a small orb of magic water that can be controlled for a short time by the caster. It floats through the air wherever the caster commands, and when it touches wounds it heals them. It's a small orb though, and so it can't be used to heal very many wounds. Extra Details: