The book had fallen to the ground with a heavy thud, the sound echoing obnoxiously through the quiet library. Pete peered over her book down to the ground, suddenly realizing that Ashling was nowhere to be seen. "Oops," Pete muttered, returning to the book and continuing on with her reading of the title. The librarian who had been very much a part of the library's environment -- same as a bookshelf or table -- suddenly came to life as she swept over to the pair of young girls. She introduced herself, and Pete nodded and repaid the favour. Ashling, too, introduced herself. Then Belle hurried away on other business, a voice suddenly calling for her from her broach. "How quaint," Pete said softly, flipping the book to a random page and flicking through it eagerly, searching for pictures. While she wasn't paying attention, her body slowly turned in the air until her feet were towards the ceiling and her red hair hung down towards the ground. Her bright blue eyes sparkled at every image in the book she came across. Ashling suddenly spoke up, and Pete's attention snapped out the story and back to reality. Her face took on a look of shock as she looked at her companion. "Ashling! The world is upside-down, and so are you!" Meanwhile, her body was still turning, and she wound up in a right-side-up position, before planting herself firmly in place. "Nevermind, I've fixed you and the world. Now what was that about a new boy? I hope Snow isn't the one giving the poor lad a warm introduction. She isn't particularly inviting, I'd say." Pete had already lost interest in the book in her hand and she absentmindedly pushed it back into the shelf, in a different spot than she'd found it. She hoped that by now, Ash had forgotten all about Snow's silly stupid trinket she'd sent them to search for. "We should go give him a proper greeting. Initiate him proper." Pete gave a mischievous wink, implying that 'proper' could translate to something that involved him taking a swig of vinegar instead of whiskey, or stepping into shoes filled with wet sand. "But in the meantime, Ash, could you tell me story? Pretty pretty lovely little please?"