The plot is a regular High School with just humans. Schedules: Freshman- Period 1: US History Period 2: Algebra I Period 3: Elective Lunch Period 4: Physical Science I Period 5: English Period 6: Elective Sophomore- Period 1: English Period 2: Elective Period 3: Biology I Period 4: Geometry I Lunch Period 5: Elective Period 6: World History I Junior- Period 1: Elective Period 2: Physical Science II Period 3: US History II Period 4: English Period 5: Elective Lunch Period 6: Geometry II Senior- Period 1: World History II Period 2: English Period 3: Elective Period 4: Geometry II Period 5: Biology II Period 6: Elective Lunch Electives: Spanish French Italian Gym Health Computer Software Art Photography Library Music Chorus Sports Teams and Clubs: Football Boys Basketball Boys Hockey Baseball Girls Basketball Girls Hockey Softball Drama Club Art Club Computer Club Book Club Music Club Character App: Name: Gender: Age: Grade: Appearance: Personality: History: Electives: Any Sports Teams or Clubs: Anything Else: Rules: No arguing No godmodding Be realistic Post One Period per character in your post