Mai walked behind her sister, keeping her eyes up to the ceiling, wondering what type of cute girls at this cafe. Now that was very important. Variety is key in these types of harems, giggling to herself as her imagination flourished. She didn't really have to look where she was going, having turned on her sort of "power" and was just gliding thruogh the crowd behind her sister in ease. [i]Man, I should've done this earlier, I almost took this guy's head off for bumping into me... that would've been ugly...[/i] Ki of course, was being her usual klutzy self, though thoughtful, bumping into someone and making a sort of scene in the cafe. Mai didn't seem worried, knowing that their bodies are much more durable than any normal human, still looking at the scene in an incredulous gaze. She stammered something even she couldn't even understand, Mai turning away as she brought out cash to compensate. That must've been the third time this month. Just then, a lofty looking man come up from behind, Mai having already taken a step further back as he approached. The girl tried her to best to shake this weird feeling from this corporate sleeze, but made an attempt to grin, albeit a little crooked. For some reason the way he messed up his underling Zane's name ticked at the back of her mind. "Sorry about that, my sister can be clumsy sometimes." Mai added plainly, secretly shocked by the large amount of cash he had produced. Her eyes crossed to Mai for a moment, looking at her with a look that read "Holy shit." Looking up when he said markers, she could say this wasn't the first time, so that's probably why she didn't really pay attention. Following her supposed employer, she saw another had joined the party, her eyes only slightly recognizing the individual. She could've sworn she'd seen her somewhere before, but couldn't remember anymore about it. She made sure to sit [i]after[/i] the man had shooken up the table, keeping the laughter to herself as she kept beside her sister. Curious as to what T.V. series he was talking about, more so she very much liked his simple explanation. They just had to catch some guy, dead or alive, one that three corporate funded parties couldn't do on their own? That shold be fun, not many people can escape her once she's locked target, so it would be interesting to test just how good this guy really was. He then tossed out a few documents, the girl scanning them a little lazily. Leaning back, she'd rather just let her sister handle all of the reading, since she liked to do that anyways. Looking across, she eyed this stiff-lipped Marian, giving her a quick introduction, "Hey there, I know it doesn't really matter to you, but I'm Mai. Nice to meet you."