Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Name: Erik Nickname: none for now Age: 16 Gender: male Sexuality: heterosexual Parents: Elsa and ? Kingdom: Arandelle Guardian: Olaf Powers: Ice control Personality: On the outside, Erik is a nice, caring and slightly overprotective boy. He is almost constantly seen near his sister, watching over her and guarding her. As long as you don't threaten his sister, he is very nice to people. However, the inside is a different story. Anger and frustration fills his heart, restricting his powers much like his mother's fear affected her powers. He feels unimportant, everything focused on his sister. Watch your sister. Keep her safe. Protect her. It irritates him and is slowly wearing him down. History: His life as been rather full of being in the background of the situation or having to watch his sister. His whole life he has been told to watch and care for his sister, all attention being focused on her. Only a few talks have came up between him and his father about one day ruling the kingdom, but nothing serious at all. He tends to have no privacy, due to being practically connected by the hip to his sister. Even if she can't see, she can hear very well. Other: He is the weaker of the two based on the powers, not having the control that his sister has. Theme Song: none for now.