[center][i]De’ Seil Carnival exists as a never-ending explosion of fun, excitement and laughter. Music, dancing, acts, games and shows drown the place in colours that cannot be matched. Within both the mortal and magical realm De’ Seil Carnival’s reputation stands grand; very few others can rival the euphoria, impressive and stunning spectacle. However all that is voiced from an outside perspective – the inside eyes is rather different. The carnival folk all have reasons for being present there – whether they be good or bad, moral or immoral. Those whom dwell within it, making it their abode are under constant protection and highly valued by the glorious Ring Master, Mr. Seil (regardless whether they believe it or not) The safety and protection of the carnival family is spoke highly and praised as one of the best in employment. Alas a dark shadow has cast itself over the carnival. It has brought question to just how safe the folks really are – questioning Mr. Seil’s very abilities. Conversely though no fault or vex has arisen in over a hundred years. In present time the shadow that has darkened the carnival has claimed 12. Twelve members of the carnival family are presently unaccounted for; missing. How this is even possible is unknown. The fact that the souls are bound by contract to Mr. Seil renders him able to locate them at any said time. Nevertheless something powerful is over-riding his connection. Even more so, potent and accurate fortune tellers and foresighters visions are being clouded whilst they search for said missing 12. Lack of tracks, scent or aura render unable trackin. There be no connection or pattern connecting the 12 missing – both genders, and a variety of species. In addition to this, a variety of souls, branded, exchanged and gathered have also vanished. Thus the conclusion of whomever be the culprit behind the missing individuals is undeniably prevailing and a great threat. There be some clues that have surfaced that both aid and question whom or what is behind said events. And that be where we now stand.[/center][/i] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][i]Darkness was all he could see; a never-ending abyss. It was where he mentally lived. There existed nil and naught problems within this place, within his mind – it was his peace. It was how he remained so calm, collected and in control all of the time. Whenever his emotions attempted to over-ride him or endeavoured to get the better of him, he’d simply close his eyes and surround himself with darkness. Others were afraid of such blackness – but not him. For it was where he came from. It was him. He was the darkness. Mr. Seil opened his eyes, his tranquil and gentle demeanour never wavering. His posture was lowered, knees bent so as to bring him closer to the ground. He hovered over one of the piles of dirt that Crow had discovered. In specifics, the one she had dug up, Mr. Seil having examined an undisturbed one prior. Whether or not Crow herself was there, he didn’t care for her duties were done and complete for the evening. Displayed to him all she had unearthed. He took no notice if she was still within his presence. With one hand clasped around the top of his upright cane – assisting his balance – the other was twirling the little bronzed feather that Crow had found, between his index finger and thumb. It was broken and frayed. His eyebrows creased at what he held. Pocketing the feather between some cloth he then lifted his cane and moved around the dirt within the disturbed hole in the earth. Observing the burnt stones and herbs – sage, rosemary and thyme. He felt the overwhelming urge to leave the hole be - ‘a forsake spell’ he mused to himself. Rising to his feet with poise he repositioned his cane at his centre, clasping it with both hands. His eyes travelled some distance and he perceived another pile of disturbed earth and another beyond that. His head turned slowly to his right as he took into account the unsteadiness and forced frailty of the carnivals magical barrier. The glitter, translucent gold boundary that acted as fence not only lit up the grounds but also acted as a barricade to keep out any with malicious intent. Everywhere there was a ruffled pile of dirt, stones and herbs there was a weakening in the gold boundary rendering silver cracks within to appear to the trained eye. [b]“Lookin for ya I’ve been for ages, I have,”[/b] the gruff voice of Mogue reached Reficul’s hearing. He turned his head slowly in the direction of the little angst dwarf without moving any other part of his body. Mogue was walking with a quick stride, well as quick as he could anyway. His make-up was messy and he had beads of sweat on his forehead. With his trademark cigarette hanging from his mouth he halted next to Mr. Seil out of breath. Reficul raised an amused eyebrow as Mogue leaned over in a bid to catch his breath – his cigarette falling from his mouth to the ground. [b]“What is that?”[/b] Reficul pondered as he viewed something that Mogue clasped tightly. [b]“Giv ma a bloody second,”[/b] he let out a rough cough due to heightening his voice, [b]“will ya! Been runnin like a idiot I have to find ya”[/b] he finished with another cough. Mr. Seil waited patiently for Mogue to compose himself. After a moment of heavy breathing, rough coughing, and naughty swearing Mogue had poised himself – as much as Mogue could. [b]“Vox, he found few tings,”[/b] he finally managed to voice – it wasn’t uncommon for him to pronounce people’s names incorrectly, nevertheless Mr. Seil always knew whom he referred to, [b]“ya not gonna like it,”[/b] he finished as he forcibly thrust a bag into Reficul’s chest. Swiftly catching it with one hand, not at all losing his poise and classy composure, he peered down at the bag. As his second-in-command let out some more throaty sounds that weren’t quite coughs, Reficul ungrasped his cane with his remaining hand and left it to balance on its own accord. With both gloved hands he examined the bag that was thrust his way. Turning it gradually so as to scrutinize every inch of it. The dark brown leather bag was or mortal creation, its various marks displaying its age. He concluded his examination swiftly deciphering that nil evidence existed along the outside. Peering at his comrade from the tops of his eyes, Mogue urged him to open it with a nod. Mr. Seil did so, unhurriedly. Upon sighting its contexts he closed his eyes once more and took himself to that dark place where he was undisturbed and composed himself mentally. The situation was worsening.[/center][/i] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][i][b]"Silence your treacherous mouth, siren, for I am not one of childish play, nor do I need to explain myself to you. Rosalina was, and still is, under my care, so do not make the mistake of fooling yourself: in the current game, you are nothing but a pawn, even if you think you are the knight in shining armor. Begone Andracos, release us from the disgust of your presence." Andracos scowled at the words directed at his way, how dare any tell him to be gone, apart from the Wish Master. He wasn’t angry rather offended – this merfish whom dwells constantly within his tent decides that one day he would emerge and play the superior one. ‘If I be a pawn’ Andracos mused to himself silently, ‘then you be naught apart from the chess board whom is walked over and used’. His didn’t voice his thoughts and that was not due to the idea of intimidation rather he preferred to be not to be instigator here and instead play guard. Andracos was sure to never insult and voice rudely whilst in the presence of Rosalina for constantly desire he did her to approve of him and never side against him. [b]“Pay nil attention to thous wording angel doll,” [/b]he spoke lowered to Rosalina, [b]“performing on deep passions he be and lack notice to thy desire to merely protect thou physically and mentally.”[/b] He spoke as if he blew off the merman’s insult but rather he suppressed it for the time being in order to act superior in the current situation. He permitted the two, angel and merman to hold swords and not intrude that way he went undisturbed in cooing words into Rosalina’s ear. Each word he said was a bid to heighten himself in her eyes as the dependable one. Words flew through Rosalina’s ears, the lowered voice of Andracos as it were. She had heard his words before, from him and from others. All in a bid to gain her trust and dependence – usually for their own personal gain. Rosalina had reacted so swiftly to Andracos’ command due to the fact that she loathed being in the middle of any sort of conflict. Her initial reaction was to remove herself and seek security. If any others had called for her to come their way, apart from Andracos, she undeniably would have done so. The thought of choosing Andracos over CeCi or Eikki never crossed her mind rather it was simply ‘get out of bad situation’ and ‘hide behind something that can take a good hit’. She was female angel after all and a traditional one at that. CeCi in full Arch-form caught her very much off guard and she instantly had frozen up for she knew not the reasoning why she appeared in full guise. When Eikkis blade touched CeCi’s skin that much more Rosalina spoke to Andracos, [b]“halt them?”[/b] she almost pleaded. Andracos shook his head in response,[b] “exposed it would render you,”[/b] he never altered his prospect of being the dependable one or the saviour. [b]‘Why dost constant friction befall wheneth my presence is near? Current burning be fault of mine and only mine’[/b] Rosalina pondered dejectedly she felt at fault here, [b]‘ought not to open the door in future. Explain to Reficul the friction be my doing.’[/b] She was eager to turn away and seek out Mr. Seil however knew that upon doing so a predictable reaction would occur – Andracos would stop her from going anywhere, he’d physically grab her and though he wouldn’t hurt her he’d stimulate a negative emotion in both CeCi and Eikki and they’d turn on him and the whole situation would worsen. Thus she decided to move not and merely wait for the dispute to end. Endeavour she would to make sure none were punished and none commended, Rosalina deemed that fair. Sometimes she didn’t mind be locked up, for this type of drama was not praised by her and she loathed being the instigator. When the little china-man made his appearance in a bid to pacify the hostility, Rosalina was grateful. She was fond of Lao, though in saying that she was fond of all people. A small, petite smile creased her perfect lips as Lao placed the piece of mocchi on Eikki’s lips. For a male, Lao was unusually elegant and maintained a grace that some females found difficult to match. Due to Rosalina’s mindset it rendered her a little awkward around him for she was uncertain exactly how to go about him. As he pirouetted daintily towards Andracos and she, she couldn’t help but bury her head into Andracos; bashfulness. She was so beholden that someone had the valour to attempt tranquility. Feebleness flowed through her. She silently giggled as the china man pressed the candy to the sirens lips. Andracos, whom didn’t quite like nor quite hate Lao scowled once more at the actions. Supressing the urge to place his hands around Laos neck and strangling him was proving difficult. He longed to merely spit the mocchi back at whom had offered it backhanding him after, following through with a glove less swipe at CeCi and then a dramatic sword fight between the merman – but bury the feeling he did for no sight shall Rosalina’s eye ever see. Instead, he took the candy and returned it with a cold glare. Rosalina whom failed to see the look of hatred painted on Andracos features gave a small beam as he ate the candy. She opened her mouth slightly in a bid to allow Lao to place a piece in her mouth too. He did so and she blushed faintly. Within seconds the grasses moved to the rhythm of CeCi landing in front of the one sinister siren and the one angelic doll. There between the two angelic sister of the Azure a silent conversation evolved.[/i] [b]Yes sister, yes I flee away from thee – light into darkness. Nil and naught for if that be how thou perceives it thou is as constricted as many believe thy to be. Poisoned thou believes of thy mind, reasoning why thy stays far away from thee for never ending time. Abhorred and frowned upon, yes, yes. Cessation of traditionalism is reason why purity lacks within thou. See thou dost never that in true fact an example you are to all females – of what never to befall. Point to thou Celleci my own father did and proclaim that never shall I follow such footsteps for if I did, never pure again will I be. Many a hundred, never-ending seek to liberate thy from supposed and believed prison, alas what good be you? For if thy own father, Highest of all Judges fails to undue my imprisonment, what surely can Celleci achieve? Unfit for station reserved only for the males of our kind. Whom can you protect Celleci? [/b] [i][b]“Shame... is that truly what you say to me, Andracos? Shame. Agreed. Aye, and again aye, Andracos. Shame but not for this angel alone. Shame on you for luring the Wish Master's cherished wife and jealously loved one out and away from the safety of their abode. Shame on me for ever thinking that it would be respectful to arrive here in full regalia as if it were the very day this angel first met Mr. Seil. And shame for Rosalina.[/i][/b] [b]Shame sister? Never did I flee from light to the dark. If fail to love and respect all, regardless of said actions, then never a true angel once where you – failure to understand my love for all, even the ones whom kneel to the dark, signifies that never once did thou Celleci retain true purity. Contaminated from the moment of birth if incapable to love, accept and forgive all, light and dark.[/b] [i]It was then that another made an appearance within the drama – Ty. One could tell by her facial expression that she was certainly unprepared for what she had walked into. It was akin to a soap opera – overly dramatic. She kept her poise like always and with a raised eyebrow she offered, [b]"Rosalina, I've been told that I can give you another update of the Carnival... I don't know what's taking place here... But would you like to- come out and listen? Unless...this," [/b]Ty gestured toward the weapons and the others, [b]"is a little more important."[/b] Rosalina inhaled a small sigh of relief at the appearance of another attempting tranquility. [b]“Agreed, Ty. We should get Mrs. Rosalina Bell Seil inside lest we wish to suffer the wrath of Mr. Reciful Seil, Wish Master and owner of our inked names upon parchment...”[/b] the voice of the arch one spoke. It was then that Eikki’s voice followed with an apology to Rosalina, a scorn to CeCi and then words to Rosalina once more before he turned and exited the scene, not before he bowed.[/b][/center][/i] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][i]They both gazed down at the messy pile of entrails that Vol had discovered and had reported back to Mogue. Mr. Seil stood remained as calm and collected as he usually did, with his cane at his centre and both hands a top of it. His expression was blank as he deciphered the contents before him. Mogue, whom clutched the leather bag from earlier displayed a more concerned appearance. [b]“Know wat it says?” Mogue inquired to his taller friend his eyes not lifting from the bloody guts on the ground. Mr. Seil ignored his question and simply replied, [b]“go and retrieve Vivianna, get her to read this and report back to me. I need to have it double checked.”[/b] Mogue frowned and threw the bag to the flooring, [b]“you ain’t letting me know wats goin’ on,”[/b] he pointed up to Reficul with slight annoyance, [b]“wats it says?”[/b] he demanded. No physical reaction was received by Reficul instead all he did was grab the bag that Mogue had dropped, out of thin air having levitated it, turn on his heel and made his way back towards the entrance. [b]“Get her to double check it Mogue,”[/b] he spoke as he strolled away,[b] “then make sure everyone is in their quarters as soon as possible, then Vivianna and yourself will come and see me early morning. All this evidence is telling us something.”[/b] [b]“You freakin better let me in on wats goin’ on,” [/b]he yelled after him,[b] “bloody snobby bastard,” [/b]he huffed softly to himself as he took a cigarette from behind his ear and lit it.[/center][/i] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][i]Rosalina finally voiced agreement, [b]“oh Ty yes, do inform me of the happenings,” [/b]she finally left the shelter of Andracos and made her way to Ty. Elegantly she clasped one of the air-elementalist hands between her own,[b] “come inside darling and tell me all!”[/b] she was ever so pleased that the hostility was at a ceasefire. Rosalina’s attention turned to the china man, [b]“please do join us,”[/b] she sweetly said to him. Rosalina went to depart, to make her way back to the safety of her abode however turned to Andracos first – he beat her to speaking. [b]“Voice must I, to Wish Masters ears,”[/b] he cooed attempted to link. Rosalina simply shook her head, [b]“no,”[/b] she said simply – there was no offence behind her answer and nor did she bother explaining why. Andracos put on a fake and dramatic face of offence and surprise, however it faded with a wink,[b] “wish be yours darling doll,”[/b] he sang with a final bow to Rosalina, [b]“inform him please dolly, that slothful comrade of mine was in need of heavy feeding and abscond away, away from the carnival grounds he did.”[/b] He watched the three depart and closed the door for them gentlemanly before turning on his heel and scowling at the lack of activity around him. No one was around – the night drowned the carnival and rendered it quite and still. He held disdain for such things.[center][/i] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][i]They entered the warm sitting area and Rosalina waltzed her way contentedly to the main lounge – the one in which she had fallen slumber upon. Dimuegos remained stationed in the exact position from when Rosalina had left his, clearly undisturbed by the events that occurred outside. Surely if he had heard Rosalina call or even a small squeal he would have settled the situation. Fortunately she did not call nor scream and thus he remained where he was. Rosalina grazed her hand over the giant wolf head as she passed him. Gracefully lowering herself to the comfort of the grand couch she smiled daintily as Ty took a seat opposite her, permitting her to sit first. Ty seemed tangled at how exactly to move past the previous events and how to break the silence – luckily Rosalina was so content and at ease, it radiated off her and Ty soon too found herself relaxed. She voiced of two new recruits to the carnival and Rosalina pondered on the notion that she thought Reficul was not signing any new recruits into the carnival due to the current events of missing individuals. [b]“Oh eager to meet them,” [/b]she gushed when Ty ceased speaking, [b]“mortal ones you say?”[/b] Rosalina’s eyes fell slightly as her mind wondered elsewhere at the thought. Once Rosalina realigned her attention to that of Ty and Lao, the air-elementalist continued her chitchat – of the new acts and performances, of the cute younglings. Sweet tea came her way by means of Lao and she was ever so grateful that Reficul had permitted her some company considering the past few days she had been locked away for safety reasons. Rosalina couldn’t help but voice, [b]“Ty, ever so sweet and kind you be. Exultant and blissful be I that here you are as a true friend. Know do I that many befriend thy for only self-regarding reasons – though of course never deny them do I. However ever so pleased of the notion that here you are expecting nothing in return but companionship and bond. In need be I, of more personalities parallel to yourself. Thank you, I truly do from my heart.”[/b] She concluded her gratitude with a truly beautiful smile that made all hearts melt. Slowly rising the sweet aromatic tea to her lips she, turned her pink, violety eyes to Lao whom had said very little during the gathering. Her smiled reached out for Lao this time and as did her words, [b]“show appreciation to the fact that you choose to join us Lao for tranquil company will forever be highly praised by thy. Thank you I do for your valour to die away the hostility prior.”[/b] Placing her tea cup down on the table, too chose to mimic Ty’s actions and rest herself long upon the couch. Sleep would soon befall her; she wouldn’t be able to help herself for it was both fairly late day and very early morning. Curling up cutely, she rested her head against a fluffy pillow. Hearing Ty’s words she voiced, [b]“Yes, grey and dreary the days seem to befall us - I fear that the grey shall not end for some time. Fortuitously illuminate the sky and drown out the depression this place does.” [/b]Her eyes where growing heavy from lassitude. She flung them open in order to pronounce,[b] “apologise I really do, I wished not such dramatic events of earlier to bare itself to either of you. I’m sorry for that,” [/b]she took the blame for the prior happenings of the evening. Heavier her eyelids grew. [/center][/i] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][i]Mr. Seil opened the grand oak door to his private cart, he did so slowly, in case his angel doll lay slumbering on the couch. Sleeking in with demonic sly, his eyes needed no time in order to adjust to the dimness of the fire lit room. Subconsciously Mr. Seil’s intense, deep brown eyes scanned the room and with practiced scrutiny landed on his divine one. The whites of his eyes almost silver added to the intensity – though they always displayed a gentle ambiance. Once he perceived the safety and comfort of Rosalina his eyes landed on another individual slumbering on the couch opposite her; Ty. She had, under his permission sought Rosalina’s companionship and had clearly stayed with her until she drifted off to the land of dreams – it seems they both had. Ty was a power of pure substance, an uncommonness to encounter – a rarity. Her very being was exceptionally clean and untainted in way that was very different to an angels. Mr. Seil’s respect and bond with Ty stemmed from this fact. It was also reasoning why Reficul tied her to the carnival aside from business – he was a collector. He did favour Ty above a lot of others for he practically perceived her as a daughter. Silently he made his way towards the couches, weaving past Dimuegos – whom had shifted his position to be closer to Rosalina. Without a single sound he levitated both his cane and the leather bag Vol had discovered so it could make its own way to his office. With hands free he lifted off the white fox fur that shielded Rosalina from the cold. He lifted her off the couch gently and soundlessly – she didn’t wake for her slumber was deep. With doll in arms he disappeared down an obscure hallway. Within time he returned with no doll in his arms for he had laid her to the comfort of the bed. Leaving Ty be he made his way to his office door. With a flick of his hand over his shoulder, the fox fur that had laid over Rosalina flew from the opposite couch over to Ty and landed softly on her, this time shielding her from the cold. He entered his office closing the door mutely behind him – one would never have known that he had entered the room. He was finally able to take the time to repose. [/center][/i] [center][URL=http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/SweetPrincessCinderella/media/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png.html][IMG]http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b563/SweetPrincessCinderella/Whiteswirl_zps7477ed56.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][i]The morning sun was rising. The cold air was becoming warm. The dark was drowning in the light. The dismal events of the days prior was coming to an end and hopefully this new day would bring glee. Pachid sat comfortably leaning against a tall tree. He watched in peace as the morning sun rose – the sunrise was striking. There were oranges, pinks and reds that coloured the sky – he took it all in. He felt much better, headache had disappeared, thirst had suppressed and his body felt stronger. He felt bad for the wolf that lay dead a few meters away, drained of all blood. Alas it was better and far easier hunting a wolf and feeding off it compared to a human. True luring a human was easy however coving the body and drawing no attention was the problem. Thus he generally fed on animals. The time was coming to make his way back to the carnival and he planned on going straight to bed. If only he could be bothered getting up from his comfortable position. He’d fall asleep where he was however he knew Mr. Seil and the ones in command wouldn’t be too pleased if he stayed away much longer than necessary. As a result of said thought, he rose to his feet with a sigh. Stretching every part of his long body he delayed for as long as he could before taking his first step back towards the carnival. He was some miles away and hated the fact that he had chased the wolf so far out because now he had to walk back. He’d run, but he’d rather not. Thus he made his way back leisurely. Sometime into his walk the sound of flapping reached his heightened hearing. It sounded strained and he presumed some animal was hurt and struggling to fly. He pushed it aside and continued onwards, for the sound stemmed from off course right. Walking onwards the scent of a species apart from an animal flew though his sensitive nose. Wriggling his nose at the scent he deciphered that the scent belonged to that of a faerie and more so the laboured flapping belonged to the faeries wings. Odd considering faeries flew with such soundless grace. There was a dissimilar sensation in his gut and it was bothering him. His emotions where telling him to go and investigate whilst his mind was telling him to leave it be and seek the safety of the carnival grounds. But what if it was someone he knew that needed help? A family member of the carnival? He knew he’d feel terrible if he could have helped but didn’t. Even if the faerie wasn’t in need of help, it wouldn’t hurt to go and have a look. Those thoughts flew through his mind rapidly – and his morality won. Both sighing and scowling to himself he diverted off the course to the carnival and headed instead to that of the faerie. He didn’t know what he would discover alas his gut told him it wouldn’t be good and that he was going the right thing. Thus onwards he went to seek out such course changer. He wasn’t quite prepared for what he found. [/center][/i]