There was a flash of fang in his grin. He could smell it on her. The hunger. He liked that strong stance, the cool command of her eyes, the crackle of power under her skin that she couldn't feel for herself. Not yet. Tzich could almost taste his freedom. All he had to do was convince her to abandon her own. "We look for trouble," he replied with a twitchy gesture of his head. He eased the door open and stepped out onto the threshold. He looked out at the sunlight, curious and distracted for a moment -- and then he changed his mind. He surged toward her again, leaning close with a ferocious smile. "No, I want [i]you[/i] to find trouble." He licked his teeth and shifted back again, eyes narrowed, hands in his pockets. "Find me a demon. Find me a demon and I'll show you what I expect of you." He'd always wanted a pet. He knew well that it wouldn't be long before she'd have her power like a noose round his neck; he'd have to savor his superiority while it lasted.