Heading into the guild Trex nodded as Mirajane waved at them. He looked around the room. Several guild members were hanging around. He spotted Cana in the corner drinking, as usual. Wakaba and Macao sat talking about the latest whatever. Trex turned away and spotted Lucy heading toward them. Excitement shun on her face as she looked around for Flynn. Her smile dimmed as she did not spot him. When she inquired where he was, Zelia beat him in replying. He felt a bit bad when Lucy turned away dejected. He turned and nodded at Zelia when she suggested he go find Natsu and Wendy. "Be careful." He stated. It wasn't that Trex doubted Zelia could take care of herself, he just knew that Gajeel had a bit of a temper. Though the dragon slayer had changed a bit over the years he still could be a bit dangerous. Turning, he headed off to find Natsu and Wendy. It didn't take him long to find the two dragon slayers. Natsu was at the moment in an argument with Gray over their latest adventure. Annoyed Gray through his hands in the air. "Fine. I've had enough." He said storming off. He nodded at Trex but didn't stop. If he had time, Trex would have caught up with him and gone over some maker magic but now wasn't a good time. Especially as Gray just needed some time off. Heading over to Natsu, Trex interjected. "Sorry to bother you Natsu, but I have a question." The pink haired man looked over. His face lit up when he saw Bodo. "Hey look Happy, it's another exceed." Trex calmly waited as the next few minutes turned chaotic as everyone around started throwing out questions and greeting the new exceed. "What brings you to Fairy Tail?" Natsu asked the little creature. "Are you with some dragon slayer that will be joining us?" He grinned at Wendy. "Just think. Four dragon slayers in our guild. Who will want to touch us?" ~~~~ Skye listened as Flynn talked. He had no idea where to look. She looked down at the map even though she knew she didn't need to re-see it to confirm it was the place she had been looking for. She took inhaled quietly and then looked up at Flynn. "Before I joined the guild, I was in the far north, by the border." She said tracing a grain on the table. "There is a little town called Peatri." She told them. "That's where I first heard of the mythical blue barked tree that would heal all ailments." She nodded toward the map. "It was said to be located at the base of a waterfall in a secret valley. That waterfall crashed into two rivers." She looked up at Flynn. "It is said to be located deep in the Waas Forest. In an area that is guarded by an evil creature." Her eyes dropped and she shrugged. Though she pretended that it was just a myth she couldn't help the shudder that ran down her back. Some might have believed it was a myth but she wasn't so sure. There a presence that she could not explain and the fact that even with her survival skills, honed from years trying to survive on Caelum, she got hopelessly lost had her wonder if something was really out there. She looked back up at Flynn. "I can take you to the village and we can see if Orian can find the location." She stated forcing the enthusiasm she did not feel. The terrifying fear she had felt lost had been worse than anything she had ever felt before, except for perhaps Tye. It was a different fear. One that had terrified her then but had no brought any harm. Other than the worse nightmares ever and the feeling of hopelessness and dread. She set the remaining breakfast aside, no longer hungry. "It is a good few days travel from here." She stated. "And that's with a wagon." She glanced back at the map. "Do you think we should stop back in Magnolia and get Trex and Zelia? With the train there, we can ride up Oshibana and then make the trek up. Besides, there was safety in numbers.