Marian saw the reptilian champion arrive and make a complete ruckus and trash about in the cafe. How was he able to even get inside was something completely unknown to Marian. Weren't she as serious as she was, her jaw would have dropped comically while opening her eyes with disbelief but rather than that, she just sipped some water from her glass. [I]'Damn this high budget champions. They are always so flashy.'[/I] Not that she had chance to talk, being dressed in the oldest looking dress someone could find in the Victorian era. But she wasn't a damn lizard with no eyes that tried to be funny by apparenting he indeed had. She sighs and tries to duck just below the table, to avoid being seen by the gigantic reptile, but it was already too late. As they approached, she took out a shitty excuse. [B]"Oh, I'm so very sorry. I dropped something."[/B] She says with a friendly smile, but the male champion pays her no mind and sits down to brief them on their mission. Marian listened attentively to what the lizard had to say (She had no actual interest in his name), after all, any information on this Sprite guy is very welcome. However, the lizard's explanation was blunt and short, to say the least. Other that this guy seemed to be powerful enough to take out high-budgeties, there wasn't anymore info that could be helpful for Marian. She sighs again. [I]'Ah-ah... Can't they say something about their psychological profile? It'd be easier for me to work with something like that.'[/I] She glances in the direction the Champion is. [I]'And it seems obligatory to send in the most muscular and less intelligent guy to debrief this missions.'[/I] She is about to take the folder the guy just threw in the table, but before that, one girl speaks to her. She introduces herself as Mai. This was the moment for which she had been relaxing her muscles for. She puts up the best smile you'd ever see in your whole day before starting speaking. [B]"Why, hello there Mai! Don't present yourself like that, it makes you sound less important to how you really are. I am Marian, a pleasure to meet you too."[/B] Marian turn around to the other girl, which name she hasn't heard. [B]"And hello to you too! In case you didn't heard it before, my name is Marian." She puts up both hands, so she can shake hands with both sisters. [B]"Let's do our best in this mission, shall we?"[/B]