Woah your computer/internet/RPG glitched. xD And it was no problem. I figured it would be more helpful for everyone. :) And when I do the rolls (if everyone is still okay with that), I remembered the site I can use to show everyone that it is unbiased. Roll History is public. :3 Here is a few exampled: Example 1: [url=http://orokos.com/roll/180522]Random Guy 1 vs Random Guy 2[/url] Because of this roll Random Guy 1 is injured. Example 2: [url=http://orokos.com/roll/180527]Random Guy 1 vs Random Guy 2[/url] Because of this roll Random Guy 2 is injured. The two can choose to keep fighting until one dies, or they can both run away at this point. WHICH REMINDS ME I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but no one really gave any feedback. What do you guys think of this idea? [hider=Roll Idea]I see people have mentioned things about combat and I have some advice for that. Since this is a RP and not a Tabletop, I don't want to make this too complicated, but if it sounds too complicated, I don't mind helping. In my Tabletop, I have a more complex version of this, but basically: When it comes to combat, you have a winner and a loser. Almost always, both will end up injured and in the games, one will probably end up dead. I suggest during these fights that the two players PM each other and work on a collaborative post that depicts the fight from start to end. Before the fight, the winner can already be determined by rolls. The scale would go like this: 1-7: Injured 8-12: No injuries 13-20: Death This is just a brief mock-up, but it can always be tweaked. Before a fight, the GM should be PM'd so that the roll can be done, or if you want to trust the players, they can do the roll on their own. You would roll 1-20 for each player. So in a sense, both players could end the fight injured, or dead, or no consequences at all. That way, it's not 100% guaranteed that a person is going to die during a fight, but there is a large chance for it.[/hider]