The Doctor was looking at her with a grin "Ah its a movie studio by the way, where they make the movies" he explained. He knew that she wouldn't know what this place was. Everything was human technology here. Though so far anyways. He was keeping alert. The Doctor knew even if things were normal in the studio that he would need to keep alert. "Movies are human entertainment, Mmm moving pictures on a screen, that tell a story, can hear the characters speaking of course, mind you didn't start out that way until technology got better." He explained. He tried to explain movies the best he could "Maybe I can take you too one after we find out what the problem is," He was smiling and looking at his companion. He knew all of this would be new and interesting to her. He could hear some people speaking out back, He wondered what they were saying. He wanted to find out, it sounded suspicious though. Maybe the problem could be here after all he thought. He did start to get a feeling something was going on. He grinned a bit. He was still excited.