Several miles outside of the quarantine zone Dimitri was having a rather rough time trying to get back to safety. While he had managed to find an old pick up truck that looked like it would run for at least a little while if supplied with the right parts, it was the actual acquisition of the parts that was the problem. "Oh come on not again. All I need is ONE." Dimitri spat as he examined a rotten car battery from the seventh car he'd checked. It was pretty obvious things weren't going well for the smuggler, he was still short a car battery, a solenoid, a distributer cap, a rotor, and spark plug wires , not to mention he'd need a car jack and various other tools to put in the parts needed, like the tools that had been on the truck he was in earlier for example. "Its like the universe just loves to toy with me or something...." Dimitri hissed to himself as he dropped the battery and pulled off his leather jacket before tying its' sleeves around it waist. The jacket did wonders for preventing clicker bites, but damn was it hot to wear the thing all day while working in the sun. The smuggler nudged the battery with his boot and let out a heavy sigh, then pulled out a near empty pack of jazz black and milds along with the gold Jack Daniel's zippo lighter he'd gotten from his father when he'd turned seventeen. Dimitri sat on the hood of a broken down Subaru and lit the tobacco stick, savoring the taste as he took a deep drag, 'Lotta' people would probably kill for a smoke these days' he internally mused as he blew out a plume of thick smelling smoke and examined the lighter in the sunlight, its outer casing having lost its reflective, almost mirror like sheen long ago and instead having been covered with smears and scratches. It was fitting really, like some sort of symbolism for Dimitri himself; once pristine and useful only when needed, now having lost its luster but filling a greater purpose than ever before. Dimitri shook his head, no point in stopping to ponder about symbolism, it would be dark eventually, and he'd be damned if he spent a night out in unfamiliar territory again if he could help it. The smuggler stood and exhaled another plume of smoke, then continued searching for anything that would get him out of this hellhole.