Name: Eiko Yamada Nickname N/A Gender: Female Age: 14 Place of Birth: Okinawa, Japan Appearance: [url=]Totally harmless.[/url] Occupation: Student Weaponry: Always comes equipped with mace. Personal Details/History: A young girl who feels stifled by her over-protective parents. Their influence has left Eiko with the mindset of being separated by others from a bubble, and having no real idea how to associate with others properly because of it. Eiko defaults to 'bratty, unsociable hellspawn' in conversations as a result, since all she really knows is how to be alone. Though she does genuinely want to be friends with someone. Due to her sheltered upbringing, Eiko has very little experience with people her own age. Home-schooling and frequent baby-sitting has left her as a loner, one taught to assume the worst of strangers. For her own good, apparently. Her parents mean well, but... it's obviously a detriment. Eiko is tougher than she looks, and won't immediately back down from a confrontation. She is, however, still very much afraid of the dark and whatever lurks within it, something she feels very shameful of. She is also an avid book fan, and while she gives horrors a miss, is very passionate for fantasy and adventure, often picturing herself as a heroic princess or knight. She'd love to come across as such to others, but... her personality tends to make that difficult.