The house wasn't exactly crawling with guards, but there were enough of them to impede Garran's progress. Swinging one man by his legs, he slammed him into another man, who dropped his sword out of reflex in an attempt to save his comrade. The makeshift flail and its victim slammed heavily into the wall, where they remained immobile. The corridor was littered with unconscious bodies, both seraphim and human, and one of the walls bore scorch marks from an attempted spell which was rudely interrupted by the pirate slamming his head into the man's face. Opening a door, he found a room with two women in maid outfits, one clutching a younger one. "Stay away you brute!" the older one shouted. "Sorry ma'am," Garran said, shutting the door again. Taking another few steps forward, he opened another door, thif time occupied by a single turkey that gobbled at him. Closing the door without a word, the pirate moved on. "It be a fra'kin' maze in h're!" he shouted as another guard rounded the corner. A full ten minutes later, and after systematically checking every door, Garran arrived at the last door. "This had b'tt'r be it," he muttered under his breath. Throwing the door open, the pirate shouted before he even saw what was inside. "'LRIGHT YE LANDLUBBIN' PIGEON! WHAR BE THE LASS!?" With a horriffic screech, Garran ripped the door from its hinges...and there was no reply. Instead, he almost fell into a giant gaping hole."Wh't th' bloody hell!?" he exclaimed as he fell backwards to avoid tumbling into the abyss. Looking up, he saw his target. "Fi'ra? How're ye doin' tha'?" he asked as she floated within a cage.