Mai nods in response, having noticed the girl sitting there with a subtle severity to her expression the whole time, and now all of a sudden putting up a smile that would break the hearts of countless men. However, she wasn't a man, nor will she be swooned by a dark smile so obvious as that. She may acts like a little child, despite her tall size and her complaints, but knew a good actor when she saw one. Afterall, all of that watching would be for no reason, if she didn't learn anything from it. The girl was simply [i]too[/i] perfect, not missing a single beat or gesture. Whatever her intentions were, it must've be something worth hiding. She wasn't going around pretending to do things, tricking people for no reason. Not many can hide, especially not from the eyes of The Watcher. She didn't exactly glare at the girl, but her gaze didn't have a friendly look either. The mood just yelled "tension", and was it swirling around the maid cafe in spades. Worst off, there weren't any cute girls around. Lifting off her seat just a little, she bent over the table, grabbing the hand and swiftly shakes it, "Pleasure, as long as we do what we're supposed to, there won't be any problems." Letting go, she surveys the girl one more time, her eyes in deep recollection, "...Marian... Ah, the Gravity Mistress? I've heard rumors of your vast powers."