Deroke woke up slowly and rubbed his eyes. *Today is the day I find out who my master will be.* He thought, half excitedly, and half groggily. He sat and turned on his bed cupping his head in his hands. He often wondered what his parents would have thought him becoming a jedi. *Would they be proud, or would they despise me.* He thought back to the stories. *They never mentioned Rodian Jedi... but there must have been some.* he thought. self justifying himself. He definitely new there were warriors and bounty hunters, like Greedo, but Jedi? Deroke pushed the thought from his head. *It doesn't matter now, I'm going to be one whether there has been or not. He heard a sharp but quick knock on the door. He lazily jogged to the door and opened it a crack. *A messenger, probably here to inform me of the meeting.* He thought, almost proud that he had improved in that area of the force. "Excuse me sir, but Master Skywalker has told me to inform you that they will be expecting you in the main room in ten minutes." "Thank you." Deroke said quickly, but politely. The messenger nodded and with a corner smile he added. "Good luck." Then he turned and bustled off down the hall. *no doubt has more messages to deliver.* Deroke thought as he closed the door and began readying himself mentally, and physically. After a quick change of clothes, and a second to calm his nerves. He left his room, locked it and begin his walk to the main room. He passed by a few people here and there, most gave a polite nod but all seemed to be busy in some sort of task. He let the thoughts go just as quickly as they came and then entered the big room. *This is it.* He thought, *Remember all the things the elder jedi taught me on the ride to the temple.* He ran through the list of things, careful not to let them overcome him as he waited to be spoke to by the masters. The room was big but not intimidating. He stood near the center facing what he thought was where anyone of the masters would stand. Deroke was not one for having a gargantuan amount patience. His fingers begin to twiddle as he held them behind his back. He begin to shift ever slightly his weight from one foot to the other. Knowing it was an important day, He tried to rationalize in his head why he could be kept waiting. Then the thought expanded to the front of his mind. *That's right. Everyone was extremely busy today.* He remembered and a slight bit of relief rolled of his shoulders. He took another deep breath straightened his pose. He wasn't about to let a little thing like impatience ruin his masters' impression of him. A quirky smile seemed to appear on his face, as he felt the presence of someone coming near.