[center][b][i]Marian[/center][/b][/i] Of course Marian was eavesdropping on their conversation while Woody poured her that fine tequila. She sniffed at it gingerly, appreciating it, and savored the lightly creamy taste as it rested on her tongue. At the question of what was in the cage, she leaned forward with a wide grin. "Well, I thought you'd never ask," she said, "That was one of those monsters you don't think exist. Well, a lil one. According to Rumple, that would be the ole man ya saw, it's fur is a reagent for alchemy. It's a strange lil beast, no bigger than a 'possom but it likes alcohol. That's what I used, a bowl of some cheap tequila, to lure it into my trap. 'Course first I had to track it out in the Everglades where they live. They get bigger than that, I saw some that were nearly as big as a bear. Mean teeth on em, as they get bigger. Ever seen those swamp rats whose teeth don't stop growing? Think of that, but carnivores... They can be kind of hard to find, but they stink somethin' fierce so if you know the scent you can eventually find one. I heard rumors they can talk, but this one didn't have nuthin to say to me. Can't find them all the time, only on new moons where its nice and dark. Very nocturnal critters."