[centre][u][b]Wreck[/b][/u][/centre] [u]Name - [/u] Haven C. Basilé-Slade [i]Alias[/i] Haven Calisto, Haven Slade [u]Age -[/u] 28, Male [u]Rank -[/u] Veteran/Offense [u]Race -[/u] Human [u]Fighting Style[/u] Haven has extensive knowledge in shooting most types of guns and weaponry, however he's his best handling mid-size and heavy weapons, thus his position and rank. He highly prefers the ambush-and-attack to the wait-it-out method used by his teammates, and this makes him impatient when discussing strategies or battle positions. [u]Weapon Of Choice[/u] Highly prefers a Carbine rifle or an AK of some sorts, usually an AK-12. He has an ammo strap that crosses his torso like a sash, and inside one of the pockets he conceals a butterfly knife that he mostly uses for opening containers. [u]Appearance -[/u] [hider=Picture][img]http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l263/rhetrofreak/photo58_zps8fd8aa7c.jpg[/img][/hider] Haven is an average height and slightly under-muscled, due to his odd habit of rarely eating. Although skinny, the muscle he does have is sinewy, and the veins in his arms and neck are pronounced, and when he flexes they pop out even more due to an intravenous drug addiction . His all around body type could be described as 'shredded but lean'. His face is long, with a defiant square-set jaw and cold, grey eyes that could send a chill down your spine. There's a noticeable gaunt in his cheeks, and his high cheekbones make him look almost ghostly, save for a faded tan. A broken but healed Greek-esque nose sits in the middle of his paleish face and alludes to thin, deep colored lips that rarely smile. When he does, it's more of a discount grin with his not-so-straight teeth, and it's actually rather uncomfortable to look at. There are scars from street scraps on his face and neck; he likes showing them off to people who are genuinely impressed. A fluffy, greasy, unstyled collection of dark hair sits on his head. It's grown out from it's original cut of a mohawk, but not so much that it's lost it's shape. He has tattoos on his arms and back of symbols that are meaningful to him, including the symbol for Aquarius, since he himself is one. Clothing-wise he's unimpressive; usually, he'll be wearing a combination of any of the below outfits. In combat he'll settle for something a little less obvious. [hider=Combat Outfit][img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110414034532/wikimag/images/f/ff/Enhanced_Light_Armor_(Augmented_Fiber_Mesh).jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Regular Non-Combat Outfit 1][img]http://m.cdn.blog.hu/po/postmode/image/series/recalculating_male.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Regular Non-Combat Outfit 2][img]http://m.cdn.blog.hu/po/postmode/image/series/chanelling_male.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Regular Non-Combat Outfit 3][img]http://2-ps.googleusercontent.com/x/www.trendhunter.com/cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/xforme-dexpression-spring-summer-2010.jpeg.pagespeed.ic.6hDJ2ZihB4.jpg[/img][/hider] [u]Personality -[/u] Haven has a dark, smoldering personality that developed while under extreme circumstances through his life. Underneath a hard shell of depression and loneliness is a very angry individual who holds other people ten miles above himself with an extraordinarily violent nature to mask his insecurity. He feels like he puts a lot of effort into becoming a perfect warrior, and wants to outshine the rest of his crew to hopefully one day get promoted above his ranks just to spite the others. Haven holds grudges for an exhaustively long amount of time and this only feeds the growing bitter void inside him, and at time he'll just spite someone without any good reason other than being more well off than he is. A fleeting glimmer of happiness might haunt him from time to time, but he mostly keeps that sort of thing to his own self, because a warrior isn't supposed to show a weak emotion like joy. Being raised by the street people really opened his eyes and sometimes he's actually compassionate to the homeless, but he's compassionate in his own way and that way isn't always the most widely accepted. However hard he may perceive himself to others, he can has a yellow streak that is buried within the depths of his shallow character, and it appears whenever he's confronted with any of his fears no matter how hard they train him. He's stubborn without a shadow of a doubt towards people he just meets, maybe to test said person to see what they can handle or not handle. Anyone who tires to outsmart him is automatically put on his list of enemies and risks a verbal assault and barrage of insults from Haven's sailor mouth. Haven excels at violence and making sure he gets a kill in (metaphorically or physically) in order to give himself credit for doing something. He doesn't stop until he accomplishes the thing he was set out to do, and if it involves more illicit activities he'll make sure to save a slice of the glory for himself. This has earned him the nickname 'Bull' from his comrades that know not to push him too far; he could become abusively mean. He also likes to be the boss or leader, especially if he think his ideas are way better than those assigned. This causes him to butt heads with the higher ranking officers on a daily basis, and he doesn't really care for talking things out. Now for his good dimensions: Despite having a disgusting and angry superficial personality, Haven has a type of depth that sometimes rears it's head in unexpected ways or in awkward situations. Whether or not he realizes it, he's extremely wise and can offer counsel to those who ask in a specific type of way and are genuinely seeking help. If they caress his emotional side, he might actually grow to like them as a person. If you can handle his personality, he's an extremely loyal friend and he might even be described as clingy in a relationship for fear of abandonment. Really, all he wants is for someone to understand him and his past but it's hard talking to him about it because he rarely opens up to anyone, afraid of ridicule or worse. Mostly he's humble about his skills and past -- for the said reason. [u]Backstory -[/u] Haven's story is a long, rocky one. He's the type of person that has had it harder than most and because of this he's developed around the absence of his parents. Both his mother and his father were cold, business oriented people that had little time for poor Haven and his older brother Valko, so the two brothers grew up together and let the streets raise them. Their parents were high ranking officials that brought in a steady income, and since the large house they lived in was always so empty, Valko could get away with many things that would upset his parents including all sorts of debauchery. Smoking on the porch, getting high in the back of the local gas station, staying out partying; Valko was only a few years older than Haven, so they mostly did everything together except for sleep. The fights the two would get into with their parents were heart-shattering, and secretly Haven was terrified of the life Valko was putting him in. Valko would disappear for days leaving Haven behind to suffer the wrath of mom and dad, and to this day he hasn't forgiven him for doing that. In fact, after Valko introduced Haven to the drug abaddon, or ivory dusk, his life began to dissipate. As they grew older, they slowly began to drift apart in different respects: Valko sought a more stable and efficient home life, Haven decided he wanted to dive deeper into the realm of hatred and immaturity. It seemed as though Haven held onto the habits Valko introduced him to, as if to cling to the old life he shared with the only person he became close with. Shortly after the divorce of his parents, Haven entered the underground scene of street fighting to pick up a few tabs and gain funds to satisfy his ever present need for abaddon, which has the same effects as say, cocaine or heroin, but sadly it was not to be. The second fight he was in ended horribly with him sustaining a crippling head injury that would hole him up for months, giving him plenty of time to shoot up by himself in the small trap house he called home at the time. At night, the guilt he had no reason to harbor ate him alive and thus he developed insomnia and narcolepsy. Over time, the abaddon had started to get to him, the more he consumed, the more distant he became to his family and his brother. They had an intervention planned for his birthday but it was ruined when Haven learned of it and became openly hostile towards his parents, brother, and family. They decided that he was a lost cause and he was tossed aside again. Since that day, he plunged deeper into his disastrous way of living, and became fascinated by drugs. When the time had come to recruit had come, Haven was not already willing. He desperately wanted something more for himself but couldn't imagine fighting for something that had only gave him grief throughout his life. Before he made the deal of a lifetime, the news of his brother's suicide reached him. Of course, something so tremendously tragic almost drove him to his own death and he would have committed if not for the military's intervention. They saw an excellent mold for a soldier, quickly scooped him up and placed him in a completely sober environment for his own good. He had to become cleaner than he was to ensure a more firm foundation from which to work. From that moment on, he would leave everything he knew behind to die fighting for vengeance, or anything, to disprove the harsh reality that he really was left alone. [u]Strengths -[/u] » [i]Smooth-talker[/i]- For one reason or another, Haven attracts all kinds of people. Fortunately for him, he has a natural ability to know how to get things from these people by charming means. Because of this combined with his physical appearance, he usually has someone around that has taking a liking to him. Since he's bisexual, he has no problem gaining what he wants from either sex -- in the bedroom or out. » [i]Intimidating[/i]- Haven has a very strong, fearful presence around people who trust him or are enamored by him simply because he looks the part. A nasty side glance and society might place him upon a wicked pedestal. » [i]Protective[/i] - Haven feels obligated to protect and care for others that he likes to be around, which is rare. He values the lives of others way more than his own and this in turn makes him a productive soldier that genuinely cares for those that he's fighting for. However, he can be easily manipulated by females or attractive males that fawn over him. [u]Weaknesses - [/u] » [i]Paranoid[/i]- Haven thinks the world is out to somehow destroy him and everything he cares about. It's quite annoying to some people including his teammates. Could definitely hinder his battle techniques and puts him at a higher risk for accidentally unloading friendly fire. » [i]Victim[/i]- This is another attribute that puts people off who don't know about him personally. Haven is quick to assume the role of a victim, thinking that each insult is an attack on his character, and puts him on the defensive rather quickly. A hearty blow to his pride, and you've got yourself a wet blanket. » [i]Volatile[/i]- Haven is extremely hot-headed, and unsurprisingly this causes him to blow up at seemingly insignificant things, like someone leaving their things laying around in his space or somebody calling him a bad name. This part of his personality makes him very weak as a role-model and leader. » [i]Sickly[/i]- Years of hard drugs have hardened his veins and made him susceptible to heart disease, lung cancer, and a slew of other issues. He's afraid of going to the doctor to solidify his fears, however, he can't exactly run for long periods without almost collapsing. [u]Fears - [/u] » [i][b]Abandonment[/b][/i] » [i]Killing someone on accident[/i] » [i]Drowning/Suffocation[/i] » [i]Being robbed of his manhood or questioning of his power[/i] » [i]Rejection/Ridicule[/i] [u]Activity (1-10) -[/u] 8.5 [u]Do you understand the History? -[/u] Kind of. I manipulated it somewhat in his backstory to make him fit his age. He would've had to be an older recruit if that's alright. [u]Do you understand the Base Layout? -[/u] Yeah.