If you may recall, Songbird made a promise to himself that, after the quest for the Siren’s Song, he’d tell the Queen adios and go back to his old (and only) job. Yeah, that was five seconds before he saw her puppy face. [i]Goshdarnit[/i]. He kicked a pebble away and watched it bounce off the ground. Ugh, why was he so… Well, I don’t know, [i]wimpy[/i]? A big fat example of this character trait was oh, how about the fact that he practically retrieves items from other nobodies for free because well, “Song, I can’t pay you back, but I really really need that stuff!”. The sign for “I’m a doormat” was flashing a manic red in the recesses of the item hunter’s mind, and he did not like it one bit. But of course, being sulky wasn’t going to help him any, nope. The thing was, if he wanted to change, he’d have to start sooner and later, and what better time to start than today! Yeah, that was it, no more saying “yes” to other nobodies! Songbird was free, baby, and he’d do whatever darn well he pleases! A boomerang hit him. “Oh, Songbird! I’m sorry! Can you throw that back?” One of the Queen’s many servants were probably playing around during their break time, and did not foresee the future wherein they might hit another nobody with their stupid toy. Songbird frowned. He [i]wasn’t[/i] going to oblige such insensitive creatures! … “Thanks, Song! You’re the best!” Aforementioned servants clapped their hands and ran away, both waving gleefully while one of them held the boomerang against his chest. “Oh yeah, aren’t you waiting for the new hommuns? They’re there already!” Boomerang Boy and his partner Boomerang Girl pointed at the faraway elevator, and the white-haired nobody plucked a telescope from within the folds of his overcoat and gave their claim a peek. Well. Change would have to wait. Songbird sighed and headed for the new group. He wasn’t situated by the castle, more like halfway to it, because he felt uncomfortable in such a fancy place. That was why he was the ideal nobody to pick the second batch of humans up, they said. That was alsy why, they said, he should do it! And he did. Ugh. Stop being a pushover, Song! Meh, he finally reached them. This new group seemed… Er… Well. Anyway, at least they didn’t seem to have a psychotic knife-wielder, just a girl…(?) with bright pink hair that made his eyes really, really hurt. On second thought, maybe this color was worse than Mado’s crazy tendencies…. He squinted and stared at everyone briefly, then gave Froggy a small smile. “Thanks for sending them in, Froggy. Let’s go on this path, shall we? Don’t poke the plants please, and don’t eat the vines, no matter how lush they look. Just don’t,” He waved his hand dismissively and gestured for the group to follow him. “By the way, I’m Songbird.” [i]Not that any of you are interested. [/i]