♘ This RP will be played in Kalos but you can be from any region. ♞ You can have maximum four pokémon with you at the start of the RP (no legendaries). ♘ We start somewhere between the first and the second gym so you're allowed to have the Bug Badge. ♞ Obvious RP rules: grammar, no godmoding, etc. Please fill in the following character sheet: ✏ Trainer name: ✏ Pokémon 1: ✏ Pokémon 2: ✏ Pokémon 3: ✏ Pokémon 4: -------- ✏ Trainer name: Kjolmar ✏ Pokémon 1: Froakie ✏ Pokémon 2: Espurr ✏ Pokémon 3: Noibat ✏ Pokémon 4: Eevee