Jack grinned widely as another bolt of lightning arced past him. He could feel the heat and the air sizzle in the wake of the storm. He gripped his staff tighter and wisely decided to descend, flying closer to the snow covered peaks of the mountains below him. A curving trail carved it's way through the slopes, leading the way to Glaceberg. The enormous city of snow and ice was nestled snugly in the midst of the mountains. Honestly, Jack felt pretty comfortable, swirling around amongst newly created snowflakes. He dipped lower, blasting snow left and right as he shot through the mountains, trying desperately to outrace the storm hunting him. "Oh trickery," he cursed as a rocky overhang appeared out of nowhere, smack dab in the middle of his path. The sheer speed with which he flew at had created a dense screen of snow around him, but unfortunately blocked his vision. "Up up up up," he muttered to himself as he shot straight up, dodging the mountain. But his victory was short lived. Another arc of lightning raced down to meet him. Reflexively he brought his staff up to meet it and in a brilliant shower of sparks, struggled to force it back. With a resounding crack, he was sent streaking through the air. Groaning, he tumbled through the air, snow clustering around him protectively and with a sinking pit in his stomach, he realized his staff was broken, again.