The only characters that should be posted here are the ones that have been accepted! [center][img][/img] [url=]Interest Check[/url] | [url=]OOC/IC[/url] [i]GM: Mizuho Co-GM: TaroAndSelia[/i][/center] [hider=Accepted Characters][url=]Celosia Alesea - Mizuho[/url] [url=]Zico al'Soma - tatszico[/url] [url=]Tyrell Varn - TaroAndSelia[/url] [url=]Nathimys Bayias - Nem[/url] [url=]Joscelin Voclain - Solita[/url] [url=]Freya Yates - OtomostheCrazy[/url] [url=]Jythrel Arbrick - Demensia[/url] [url=]Leon Thorne - Diggerton[/url] [url=]Mayaquen - jerkchicken[/url] [url=]Jitters - Pyro V[/url] [url=]Ava Zayan - lVlasterJay[/url] [url=]Azelius Dural - Laughing Matter[/url] [url=]Beatrice Fendbane - The Pluto Knight[/url] [url=]Atalee Vayshalum - Ampharos[/url] [url=]Anneka Lavelle - confidence[/url][/hider] [hider=Mirrored Fate History][i]Legends speak of two worlds, two different planets coexisting side-by-side. The planet of Vexeria was gifted in the art of magic, many of it's inhabitants had the powerful ability to cast elemental spells, healing powers, or summoning a formidable ally. The planet of Zenith on the other hand, boasted talent in combat and weaponry. Zenithians are born with high endurance and strength, making them prime candidates for warriors. Once every century, for a span of one month, a path between the two planets were formed, allowing access to one another. Every one hundred years, the planets would line up, and the Tower of Geld, rising from Zenith reached the lands of Vexeria. Although Vexerians and Zenithians led completely different lifestyles, it seems that they were friendly with each other, exchanging information and skill in their time of limited interaction. According to legend, one day, a powerful Vexerian unleashed his wrath upon his home planet, crazed with the desire to control it. The Vexerians fought back with their own magic, but they weren't able to reach the crazed mastermind due to the ferocity of the enhanced monsters that now roamed the lands. the evil mastermind was cunning. Knowing the magical aptitude of his people, he created new breeds of monsters that were immune to magical attacks. Many Vexerians were slaughtered, and for a brief amount of time, it seemed as if the inhabitants of Vexeria would be wiped out. However, in a stroke of luck, that year happened to be the 100th year when the two planets connected, allowing the Vexerians to enlist aid from their Zenithian allies. In the short span of one month, the allies managed to keep the beasts at bay, and a group of three Zenithians and three Vexerians sealed the mastermind of the attack away in Vexeria. The six later became known as the Six Sages. Although the mastermind was gone, Vexeria remained hostile. The enhanced monsters still remained, and they continued plaguing the land with their deadly attacks. The monsters multiplied, and eventually, they became too much for even the combined power of magical and physical attacks. The monsters have evolved, rendering many attacks against them futile. The Vexerians and the Zenithians were once again in danger. In order to avoid annihilation, Zenithians welcomed their Vexerian friends to the planet of Zenith with open arms. The Vexerians immigrated to Zenith, leaving the once mighty planet of Vexeria in ruins. The Tower of Geld was sealed off as well, once against by the combined powers of the Six Sages. In order to completely avoid the powerful monsters, none of the Vexerians could return home.The path to Vexeria has been permanently closed off, and eventually forgotten. Thousands of years have passed since the Vexerians have moved to Zenith. The people barely remember the history of immigration, let alone the existence of another planet. All that remains are the whispers of a legend, echoes of a myth, and the shadow of the truth. The word Vexeria, the race of Vexerians forgotten, the occasional trace of the name have been diluted by generations, the acknowledgement of the Vexerians have faded. However, they still remain in the shape of their descendents. Mages and warriors mingle as if they were never divided. Why would they? The tales of another planet seems to be just a myth. The Vexerians faded into Zenithians, magic becoming a daily part of their life. For thousands of years the Zenithians lived in harmony. Everyday, there were skirmishes with monsters, but it was manageable. Every day, many weapons were forged, many warriors trained, many mages studied. Among the remnants of an ancient tale, a new one is about to emerge.[/i][/hider] --- [center][b][u]Name[/b][/u] Celosia Alesea [img][/img] [b][u]Age[/b][/u] 19 [b][u]Appearance[/b][/u] [i]”Beauty is fleeting”[/i] Perhaps Celosia would be considered beautiful by many people who have the chance to lay eyes upon her, not that she takes notice. Her raven hair falls to her waist, and she’s most often seen with her hair flowing down freely, not particularly making effort at all. However, during battles she occasionally ties up her hair in a ponytail to keep it out of her way. Celosia has wide brown eyes, often reflecting her emotions clearly. Although her eyes are usually filled with warmth and acceptance, there is an underlying sorrow within them if one looks hard enough. Slender and short, Celosia appears to be rather frail. That assumption is a valid one, due to her pale skin tone and the lack of scars that accompany most travelers. She’s usually seen donning a traditional traveler’s clothing for females, consisting of a tunic with a loose corset spanning her midsection. She has a pair of fingerless gloves that she pulls on sometimes in preparation for a fight. There is a pair of knee-high brown boots on her feet. [b][u]Styles and Levels[/b][/u] [i]”Power is subjective”[/i] Healing Magic lvl 5 | Combat Magic lvl 5 | Summoning lvl 2 [b][u]Current Abilities[/b][/u] [b]Level 1 Healing Magic[/b] [i]Serenade[/i] By singing a sweet melody, Celosia can heal minor injuries such as burns, scrapes, cuts. Capable of making worse wounds a little bit better. This also has a soothing effect. [i]Valor[/i] Increases a person’s physical strength for a short period of time. [i]Purify[/i] Capable of acting as an antidotes to poisons, or to heal an infection of sorts. Also effective against “curses”, supposedly. [i]Barrier[/i] Protects a person from physical attacks and lessens potential physical injuries. (If protected by Barrier, if an enemy slashes at you the damage wouldn’t be a deep gash, it would perhaps be a smaller cut) [i]Swift[/i] Boosts someone’s agility and speed for a short period of time. While under the effects of swift, a person is also capable of jumping higher as well. [b][u]Weapons[/b][/u] [i]”Wielding and using are two different things”[/i] To make up for her lack of physical fighting styles, Celosia has made it her goal to familiarize herself with various weapons. While she is proficient in many different weapons, she lacks the strength to pack a punch, but her technique relies on swift, lighter attacks. Sword, Bows and Arrows, Daggers, Metal Fans, Rods, Staves [img][/img] [b][u]Personality[/b][/u] [i]”The iceberg is more massive than you think”[/i] There’s always that one person who has the ability to light up the room. That person is Celosia. She has a bright, shining aura that alerts people to her presence, and she is rarely seen without a smile on her face. Her energetic nature is often contagious to the people around her, and she has that special something that draws people to her. It’s not difficult for people to become close to her, and they won’t be disappointed. Loyal to a fault, Celosia holds the people important to her close to her heart, and refuses to let go. Although Celosia is very easy-going, she is also very stubborn and headstrong. Her will is unbreakable, and she has been known to charge ahead, despite opposing opinions to do what she believes is right. She means the best, but at times this trait has proven to be more destructive than constructive. Emotions tend to get the best of her, and in her haste she can become reckless, and exposes herself and others to harm. Her sense of justice is very strong, and wrongdoing is something she won’t overlook, but that doesn’t mean she’s powerful enough to actually do something. When she takes a bigger bite than she can chew, Celosia has trouble dealing with it. Celosia isn't necessarily the strongest person ever, especially when she can't count on her magic to save her. This gets her into trouble obviously, and even though she hates not being able to save herself, it's more often then not that she needs a person to bail her out. When she was younger, her brother was always there for her. Now that she's alone and traveling, who does she have? Her optimistic view of the world has cooled down a little, giving herself a more of a realistic aspect due to her past trauma. The world was not as beautiful as she once believed, and that has affected her in more ways than one. She's able to see the ugly side of the world now. However, she doesn’t let that stop her and carries herself as she normally would, with kindness and compassion. Those are two things she never wants to let go of. However, if one is willing to look beyond her benevolent outer shell, they will observe a deep sorrow and a flickering flame of burning determination. [b][u]History[/b][/u] [i]”Keep looking forward, don’t look back.”[/i] Celosia Alesea was born in the small village of Lurais, lovingly brought up by her father and brother. Her mother died in childbirth, but Celosia never really missed her that much, finding ample comfort in her remaining family members. Her brother, Alistair was gifted in the art of combat, while Celosia was more frail, weaker and not as striking. She idolised her older brother, always in his vicinity. Alistair was her protector, her guardian. Her father was also a more combat-oriented person, lacking the magical aptitude that his children shared. Celosia was the Mage in the family, and the men in her life helped her to grow in the physical aspects of fighing to better protect herself. Surrounded by friends and family, Celosia's childhood was a merry one. Until one day... A stranger crept in to the village, attacking the small band of people. As the village's protector, Alistair stepped forward to take on the attacker. It seemed that the attacker's target was Alistair himself, so their father stepped forward to protect Alistair. Unfortunately, the two were slain, leaving Celosia alone. It seemed that Lurais was doomed, but strangely the attacker left as soon as Alistair's blood stained the ground. At the time, Celosia was no match for the stranger, and she vowed to get revenge. Three years have past since then, and Celosia is a traveller, wandering from village to town, kingdom to kingdom, all the while gathering information about the stranger and progressively getting stronger. Though she has nothing to go on but the attacker's name, she refuses to give up, still seething at the mere thought of him: [i]Dhoulen[/i] [b][u]Miscellaneous[/b][/u] Celosia is a descendent to one of the Zenithian Six Sages, but doesn't know it Her last name is pronounced as "Al-eh-SAY-uh" She's secretly a romantic at heart who wants to be protected. She's terrified of bugs.[/center] [hider=Relationship Sheet][b]Sin:[/b]"It's almost impressive how much he's detached from himself, everyone, and everything. He's very ruthless and I'm worried about him. Nobody gets far without emotional bonds." [b]Zico:[/b] "He's very charming, and I admit, it's rather attractive. I guess I should be wary of that, but I don't think it matters though, I don't have anything worth stealing." [b]Tyrell:[/b] "Tyrell is adorable, but don't tell him I said that! He's an energetic kid, he has a bit of a temper though. I love teasing him." [b]Nathymis:[/b] "I do [i]not[/i] want to be on this guy's bad side. Have you seen him in battle? You can almost see the bloodlust as an aura around him. But once he calms down, he becomes completely different. I find that a lot more terrifying, actually." [b]Joscelin:[/b] "She's the sweetest, and we see eye-to-eye on many things. She's optimistic as well, which is great when everyone is all down in the dumps." [b]Freya:[/b] "She has many interesting tales to tell, I'm sure. After all, she carries around many things with her. It's kinda weird that she'll take things from a body... But I suppose that I would too, if I ever had a need to." [b]Jythrel:[/b] "I find is hard to believe that he's in his 50s. He seems much, much younger. I mean it as a compliment of course, I just hope he won't take that as me being interested in him or something. Once, I thought I saw him put an arm in that bag of his.... One, ew. Two, how in the world does it fit?!" [b]Leon:[/b] "Leon is so nice, but he's so sad inside. He's always the first person to help someone, so I hope that I can help him in a way." [b]Mayaquen:[/b] "I don't know much about him, he doesn't offer a lot about himself. I do know that he's very dedicated to working towards his goal." [b]Jitters:[/b] "Jitters is... Interesting to say the least. He seems terrifying, but I don't think he's entirely evil. He doesn't attack innocent people or anything. I wonder what his story is..."[/hider]