Cassie looked up at Pony when the girl spoke and nodded, "I think you're right Pony....why can't things easy." She said quietly, rubbing her forehead with her hand, when a shout came to her ears, making her eyes widen in panic. Toni and Lucien. In the Armory. Trying to get at each other with knives? She should have known something like this would happen sooner or later. She was stupid for not seeing it. She quickly stood up and looked at the scared looking boy sitting next to her, "Stay here, Jacob. I'm going to stop them. Don't worry, everything will be fine." Then she was gone, running down the hallway. She hadn't even been shown around the caves yet, so she didn't exactly know where the armory was, but it seemed her feet did. She without even thinking about it went straight to where she wanted to go. She could already hear some of the shouts of men yelling at them, but none daring to get close to either man. She had to practically push her way through the small crowd that had built up and whens he finally got clear of it, she saw both Toni and Lucien, glaring at each other, Toni's switchblade out and in his hand, Lucien holding a freshly sharpened knife in his grasp. Her eyes widened at this sight and when it really looked like Toni might go at him with the blade, she run forward, getting between the two, holding her hands out on either side of her to stop them from very possibly killing(or at least badly wounding) each other, "Stop it!" It was silent in the room for a moment and when Cassie turned her glare onto her brother, he took a step back, an ashamed look on his face, "What is the matter with you two?! Toni, you know better than this! God damn it put that switch blade down before you hurt someone!" Obeying his younger sister, he with a slightly guilty expression on his face, flicked the blade back into its safe position, sliding it into his pocket. She turned to Lucien now, ready to chew him out as well, only to see by the look on his face and the way he held tightly to that knife, that wasn't what the man needed at this moment. Chewing him out could come later. She carefully stepping up to him until she was in front of him, much to the surprise of the men standing around, not even seeming scared of the man. She knew he wouldn't hurt her. Those men just didn't realize it. Gently she moved her hands up to put one of her own over his on the hilt of the knife and the other one over that hand, "Lucien....its okay......everything is fine......please....give me the knife..." She said, looking at him with a soft expression, almost begging him to listen to her and do as she asked.